
发布 2023-02-16 13:08:28 阅读 3254




许多年前住在一所小房里 足够的食品。


和…交谈想念中国 四年前。

一个关于中国的电视节目 昨天晚上。

谈论 在炉火上做饭 14workinthefields在田地里劳作句型。



】再如:--tom,supper is e quickly.--ok,i`m coming.汤姆,晚饭准备好了。快过来。好的,我就来!

was very different in china many years ago.在中国,许多年以前的生活非常不同。

本句由于有many years ago这个过去的时间,说明事情是发生在过去,所以谓语动词be要用一般过去时态was。







5.不规则的动词过去式需特殊记忆: am/is--was;are--were; go--went; come-- came; take--took;h**e/has--had】

讲析】lived in a small house many years ago.许多年以前我们住在小房子里。

weren`t any buses.没有任何公共汽车。


请用some \any填空: there are buses and cars years ago there weren`t buses or cars.

didn`t h**e enogh food.我们没有足够的食物。【enough后面可以加“可数名词的复数”,也可以加“不可数名词”。

】再如:now we h**e enough houses.现在我们有足够的房子。




you for talking to us.谢谢你和我们交谈。

thank you for...为什么而感谢”。for后面可加名词也可加动词ing的形式。】

didn`t h**e a television or a radio.她没有一台电视机和一台收音机。


填空:she couldn`t read write. now,she can read write.

were no cars or planes,there were only bikes.没有任何的(一辆)汽车和飞机,仅仅有自行车。

上句=there weren`t any cars or planes,there were only bikes.句中的“no=not any加复数或不可数名词;no=not a/an+可数名词单数”。】

再如:there is no pen or pencil.=there isn`t a pen or a pencil.没有一支钢笔和铅笔。

module 1 unit 1 同步练习( 五年级 )

1 伦敦2 和…在一起3 回来4 家5 什么时候。

6 那些7 冰激凌8 完成9 赶紧10等待___

11 掉落12 亲爱的13 遇见(过去式14 跑(过去式。

15 买(过去式16中国的17 老师18 河。

19兔子20信21 母鸡___22猫23 苹果。

一、 单项选择(20)

) 1 __did you go to the zoo yesterday ? 7:20. a when, on b how , at c when , at

) 2 __you __to the park yesterday ? yes , i did . a do , go b did , go c did , went

) 3 they are waiting __me . a / b to c for

) 4 __did you come back ? last week . a what b when c how

) 5 mike __his cap yesterday. a dropped b drops c droped

) 6 how are youa i’m fine. b nice to meet you . c hello.

) 7 this is our __friend, lingling. a china b chinese c the usa

) 8 you __back from china ! a am b is c are

) 9 do you live in this citya yes, i did. b yes, i do. c no, i didn’t.

) 10 __did you come back from london ? a when b where c what

二、 选词填空(18)

1 hurryup / on ) lingling. run ! 2 do you livein / on ) london , too ?

3 look at thoseice cream / ice creams ).4 oh no! idroped / dropped ) my ice cream!

5 we’rego / going ) home now.

1 where were youlondon. 2 i waitedmy friend .

3 hurrymike. the bus is coming. 4 i talkedmy teacher.


1 where are you goinga noodles.

2 when did you come backb yes, i do .

3 what did you h**e for lunchc to the park.

4 do you live in this housed last summer.

1 oh no ! i dropped my ice creama let’s buy some .

2 when did you come backb hurry up , lingling. run !

3 look at those ice creamc we came back last sunday.


六年级数学基础班学生教案。目录。天龙数理化学科教师教案。第一模块。短语。许多年前住在一所小房里 足够的食品。怎么样许多公共汽车与小汽车每天。和 交谈想念中国 四年前。一个关于中国的电视节目 昨天晚上。谈论 在炉火上做饭 14workinthefields在田地里劳作句型。句型。coming 我就来!...


小学五年级升六年级语文测试卷。一 看拼音写词语。12分 y n s ng d u qi o sh n qy n h n o m xi k j ng m j n qi o h ng k o q n mi n p ng bq n q 二 我会分辨这些字并组词 0.5 6 3分 键疆券健僵卷。三 给多音字...


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