
发布 2023-02-13 07:46:28 阅读 8351



英语试卷。. listening 听力测试。

a) listen and choose下面每小题内你将听到一个句子并看到一**片,请选出与你所听到的句子意思相符的**(其中有一幅**是多余的)


b) listen and choose 下面每小题内你将听到一个问题或句子,请在供选择的三个选项中选出你所听到的问题或句子的正确应答。

)6. a. he isn’t at home. b. very well, thank you. c. he’s a worker.

)7. a. i’m a teacher. b. i teach englishc. i want to be a teacher.

)8. a. parisb. londonc. sydney.

) don’t go there. b. oh, come in, please. c. this way, please.

)10. a. thank youb. yes, you’re rightc. don’t say so.

c) listen and choose 下面每小题内你将听到一段对话和一个问题,请根据你所听到的对话内容,选择问题的正确答案

) about the holidayb. about the tv programmes.

c. about the movie.

) li leib. gao wei

c. no one.

) she enjoys listening to music. b. she is interested in books.

c. she likes ****** things.

) at the libraryb. at the bookstore.

c. at a restaurant.

) about 15 years oldb. about 5 years old.

c. about 25 years old.

(d) listen and mark t or f 下面你将听到一段短文,请判断每小题的句子意思是否与短文内容相符,相符的在题前括号内写t,不相符的写f

)16. the first place they want to go is the great wall in beijing.

)17. some of mr green’s friends live in beijing now.

)18. they are going to stay in hangzhou for a week, too.

)19. mr green will h**e a trip with his friends.

)20. they will go to hangzhou by train.

. multiple choice 单项选择填空

) mother often told me __funny story every day when i was __

little child.

a. a, ab. the, the c. a, and. an, a

) when you were born is your birthday.

a. monthb. placec. weekd. date

) h**e our pe class __the gym __the morning.

a. at, at b. in, in c. at, ind. in, on

) will learn __lesson today, please turn to page __

a. six, sixth b. the sixth, six c. sixth, six d. six, the sixth

)25birds are there in the treethere aren’t any.

a. how much b. how many c. whatd. whose

)26. it’s __for __all the year round in hainan.

a. cool, skating b. fine, hunting c.

cold, skiing d. warm, swimming ( 27.--mary going to make a snowman with tom?

-sorry, i don’t know.

a. dob. doesc. willd. is

)28.__kate __her friend mary on her way home yesterday?

a. do, meet b. did, meet c. did, meetsd. does, meets

)29are you miss liuyes, i am.

a. excuse me b. sorryc. lookd. thanks

) english, uncle means __

a. the brother of one’s mother b. the brother of one’s father

c. the husband of one’s aunt d. all of the a, b and c are right.

. cloze test 完形填空。

one day li tong’s class had an english exam. after marking(评分) the students *****s, the teacher g**e them 31 to the students. li tong got his ***** and 32

his mark. it was 86.

class was over. all the students 33 out and played on the playground, 34

li tong still sat there. he 35 the exercises again. 36 he g**e his ***** to the

teacher. this time he got the exercises right.

one of his classmates said to him, “what’s the use of doing it 37 ? you will

not get 38 marks for that.”

i don’t think so. i don’t study 39 the marks.” li tong answered 40 a smile.

choose the right answers 选择正确答案。

) downb. upc. front d. back

) looked for b. looked up c. looked like d. looked at

) wentb. came c. gotd. took

) andb. orc. sod. but

) madeb. didc. lookedd. watched

) firstb. lastc. second d. then

) anotherb. tooc. again d. many

) moreb. manyc. a lotd. much

) ofb. toc. ford. at

) inb. fromc. withd. under

. complete the dialogue 完成对话

a: a man b: a woman c: a policeman )

a: excuse me. where is the nearest restaurant?

b: 41 you may ask that policeman over there.

a: thank you all the same.


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