module 5 閲嶈璇嶇粍鍜屽彞瀛?
1. 鎵规敼瀛︾敓浠殑浣滀笟 mark the pupils鈥?homework
2. 鐪嬫姤绾? read news*****s
3. 鍦ㄧ數瑙嗕笂鐪嬬數褰扁︹?see a film on tv
4. 娲楃瀛?wash the dishes
5. 鍜屾垜濡堝鎵撶數璇?call/phone my mother
6. 璇峰洖绛旀垜鐨勯棶棰?please answer my questions
7. 璋堣 talk about
8. 璇ヨ疆鍒颁綘/鎴?it鈥檚 your/my turn now.
9. 甯垜濡堝鎵撴壂鎴块棿 help my mum clean the rooms
10. 鍋氫竴椤垮ぇ椁?cook a big meal
11. 鐢讳竴骞呭嚑鍖归┈鐨勫浘鐢?paint a picture of some horses
12. 閭e嚑涓惉璧锋潵涓嶅悓 that sounds different.
13. 鍑嗗鏄庡ぉ鐨勮 prepare tomorrow鈥檚 lessons
14. 浣犵殑鏃у 鏍℃庢牱锛?what was your old school like?
杩樹笉閿欍?it was ok.
15. 鍜屸︹︿笉鍚?be different from
16. 涓婂杩熸斁瀛︽棭 start school later and finish earlier
17. 杩樻湁鍏跺畠鍚? anything else?
18. 鍦ㄤ腑鍗堜紤鎭箣鍓?before lunch break
19. 鏈夊皯涓浜涗綔涓?h**e less homework
20. 浣忓湪浜烘皯璺?49鍙?live at 249 renmin road
21. 浣忓湪鍚屼竴鏍?live in the same building
22. 浣犱綇鍦ㄥ摢涓灞? which floor do you live on?
鎴戜綇鍦ㄧ 鍗佷簩灞傘?i live on the twelfth floor.
23. 浠庡浘涔﹂ 鍊熶功 borrow books from library
24. 鐪嬫垙鍓ц〃婕?go to a play
25. 浠栦滑鏄ㄥぉ鎵撴壂浜嗘暀瀹ゅ悧锛?did they clean their classroom yesterday?
娌℃湁銆?no, they didn鈥檛。
26. 浠栦滑鍘诲勾浣忓湪鍝噷锛?where did they live last year?
浣忓湪澶╂渤鍖?38鍙枫?they lived at 238 tianhe road north.
27. 鎴戠埜鐖告槰澶╂櫄涓婃病鏈夌湅鐢佃銆侻y father didn鈥檛 watch tv last night.
28. 浠婂ぉ涓婂崍浣犲仛浠涔堜簡锛?what did you do this morning?
鎴戝仛浜嗕竴涓皬鏃朵綔涓氥?i did my homework for an hour.
29. judy鍦ㄧ編鍥芥椂寰堝皯浣滀笟銆?judy had little homework in america.
30. 浠ュ墠浣犳槸鎬庝箞鍥炲鐨勩锛?how did you get home before?
鎴戣蛋璺洖瀹躲?i went home on foot.
module 6 閲嶈璇嶇粍鍜屽彞瀛?
1銆佹杩庢潵鍒扳︹?welcome to鈥?
2銆佽繖鏄垜绗竴娆℃潵london this is my first time in london.
3銆佽繖鏄緟鍦ㄨ嫳鍥芥渶濂界殑鏃堕棿 this is the best time to be in britain.
4銆佹渶閲嶈鐨勮妭鏃?the most important festival
5銆佽タ鏂瑰浗瀹舵渶鍙楁杩庣殑鑺傛棩 the most popular festival in western countries
6銆佸湥璇炶佷汉缁欏瀛愪滑甯︽潵绀肩墿銆侳ather christmas brings presents to children
7銆佽揩涓嶅強寰?can鈥檛 wait
鎴戣揩涓嶅強寰呮兂鍘诲寳浜 ?i can鈥檛 wait to go to beijing.
8銆佹妸绀肩墿鏀惧湪闀胯閲?put presents in the stocking
9銆佽楗板湥璇炴爲 decorate the christmas trees
10銆佸湪涓囧湥鑺?at halloween
11銆佹尐瀹舵尐鎴?go from door to door
12銆佷笉鎷涘緟灏辨崳涔?trick or treat
13銆佺储瑕佺硸鏋?ask for sweets
14銆佷簰璧犲娲昏妭楦¤泲 give each other easter eggs
15銆佹埓闈㈠叿 wear masks
16銆佽繖涓 コ瀛╃湅璧锋潵鍍忎粈涔堬紵what does this girl look like?
鍍忎釜浠欏コ銆?she looks like a fairy.
17銆佸悗澶?the day after tomorrow
18銆佷腑鍥芥柊骞?the chinese new year鈥檚 day
19銆佹槬鑺?spring festival
20銆佹墦鎵苟瑁呴グ鎴垮瓙 clean and decorate our houses
21銆佸惉璧锋潵鍍?sound like
22銆佽憲鍚嶇殑鑺卞競 famous flower fairs
23銆佽繖鏄粰浣犵殑鍒╁競 here鈥檚 the lucky money for you.
24銆佸湪鏄ヨ妭鏈熼棿 during spring festival
25銆佹湁濡傛澶氱殑椋熺墿 there鈥檚 so much food.
26銆佸埆瀹㈡皵锛岄殢渚垮悆鐐光﹀惂銆?help yourself to鈥?
27銆佹垜涔愭剰姣忓ぉ鍚冮ズ瀛愩?i鈥檇 like to eat dumplings every day.
28銆佸幓鑻卞浗杩囧湥璇?go to britain for christmas
29銆佸憜鍦ㄤ腑鍥借繃鏄ヨ妭 stay in china for spring festival
30銆丄鍜孊鐨勪笉鍚屼箣澶?the differences between a and b
31銆佸湪涓鑺?at mid-autumn festival
32銆佸湪绔崍鑺?at dragon boat festival
33銆佸垝榫欒垷 row dragon boat
34銆佺浉鑱?get together
35銆佷綘鏈鍠滄鐨勮妭鏃ユ槸浠涔堬紵 what鈥檚 your f**ourite festival?
鏄腑绉嬭妭銆?my f**ourite festival is mid-autumn festival.
module 5重要词组和句子。1.批改学生们的作业。mark the pupils homework 2.看报纸。read news s3.在电视上看电影 see a film on tv 4.洗碟子wash the dishes5.和我妈妈打 call phone my mother6.请回答我...
module 1 1.一套新的大的公寓a new large apartment 2.一个英俊的身材适中的男子 a handsome fit man 3.一个可爱的健康的孩子a lovely healthy baby 4.一个金发碧眼的女孩a girl with blonde hair and bl...
小学六年级英语上册句型练习 二 姓名。根据中文翻译完成下列句子。1.do you go to sarah?sarah,你怎样去上学?2i go to我通常走路去上学。3i go有时我骑自行车去上学。4can izhongshan park?我怎样才能到达中山公园?5.you can go the n...