
发布 2023-02-11 15:48:28 阅读 6826

unit1 短语。

1皇帝的新衣 the king’s new clothes

2很久很久以前 long long ago

3有一个国王 there was a king

4某一天one day

5两个男子/女子two men/women

6拜访国王visit the king

7为你做新衣服make new clothes for you

8给国王看他的新衣show the king his new clothes

9试穿try on

10这些魔法衣服these magic clothes

11聪明的人clever people

12愚蠢的人foolish people

13穿着他的新衣in his new clothes/ wear his new clothes

14许多人a lot of people

15在街上 in the street

16看着国王look at the king

17一个小男孩a little boy

18指着国王point at/to the king

19嘲笑他laugh at him

20非常合身fit well

21穿着黄色毛衣wear yellow sweater

22在四点半at half past four

23穿着牛仔裤 wear jeans

24讲故事tell a story

25每个学生each student

26下一句 the next sentence

27轮到bobby了。it is bobby’s turn.

28努力地想think hard

29下一句是什么?what’s next?

30不得不重新开始讲故事 h**e to start the story again

31在狮子的房子前面in front of the lion’s house

32在房子旁边散步walk by the house

33对着老人大喊shout at the old man

34把你的孩子给我give me your child=give your child to me

35和狮子住在一起live with the lion

36对她很好be nice to her

37照顾他look after him

38快点be quick

39walk through the city穿过城市。

40 a scottish man一个苏格兰男士

41 wear a kilt穿一条苏格兰裙

42 on the mountain在山上。

43 an american cowboy一个美国牛仔。

44 live in the forest住在森林里。

45 the angry lion愤怒的狮子。

46 be sick/be ill生病了。

47 turn into a prince变成一个王子。

unit1 短语。

1皇帝的新衣 the king’s new clothes

2很久很久以前 long long ago

3有一个国王 there was a king

4某一天one day

5两个男子/女子two men/women

6拜访国王visit the king

7为你做新衣服make new clothes for you

8给国王看他的新衣show the king his new clothes

9试穿try on

10这些魔法衣服these magic clothes

11聪明的人clever people

12愚蠢的人foolish people

13穿着他的新衣in his new clothes/ wear his new clothes

14许多人a lot of people

15在街上 in the street

16看着国王look at the king

17一个小男孩a little boy

18指着国王point at/to the king

19嘲笑他laugh at him

20非常合身fit well

21穿着黄色毛衣wear yellow sweater

22在四点半at half past four

23穿着牛仔裤 wear jeans

24讲故事tell a story

25每个学生each student

26下一句 the next sentence

27轮到bobby了。it is bobby’s turn.

28努力地想think hard

29下一句是什么?what’s next?

30不得不重新开始讲故事 h**e to start the story again

31在狮子的房子前面in front of the lion’s house

32在房子旁边散步walk by the house

33对着老人大喊shout at the old man

34把你的孩子给我give me your child=give your child to me

35和狮子住在一起live with the lion

36对她很好be nice to her

37照顾他look after him

38快点be quick

39walk through the city穿过城市。

40 a scottish man一个苏格兰男士

41 wear a kilt穿一条苏格兰裙

42 on the mountain在山上。

43 an american cowboy一个美国牛仔。

44 live in the forest住在森林里。

45 the angry lion愤怒的狮子。

46 be sick/be ill生病了。

47 turn into a prince变成一个王子。

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