
发布 2023-02-03 11:06:28 阅读 7729

unit 1 good habits

) 1. my pack my schoolbag __nine thirty in the evening.

a. atb. onc. in

) 2. i usually wash my clothes __sunday.

a. inb. atc. on

) 3do you set the table? -once a week.

a. howb. how often c. how many

) 4. -how often does bob water the plants

a. onceb. three time a dayc. once a day

) 5. i __the bed once a day and she __the bed once a week.

a. make, makes b. makes, make c. make, make

( )6. susan __good habits.

a. h**eb. hasc. h**ing

1. when do you get up/go to bed? 你什么时候起床/睡觉?

2. how often do you /does she wash the dishes?


3. he washes his face twice a day. 他一天洗两次脸。

4. first, i finish my homework. next, i h**e dinner.

then, i watch tv. after that, i go to bed.


unit 2 good manners

) 1. please __in our library.

a. be noisyb. be quietc. noisy

) 2. please __throw rubbish __the floor.

a. do, inb. does, onc. don’t, on

) 3. look! mary __rubbish in the bin.

a. is throwingb. throwsc. is throw

) 4. look __at tim. he is polite.

a. inb. atc. of

) 5. don’t __rude to your sister.

a. isb. bec. are

) 6. 你不应该在墙上画画,可以说成:__

a. you can draw on the wall.

b. you should draw on the wall.

c you shouldn’t draw on the floor.

1. please don’t throw rubbish on the floor. 请不要把垃圾扔到地上。

2. you shouldn’t run in the corridors. you should walk in the corridors.


3. be quiet in the classroom. 在教室要安静。

4. please be polite. do not be rude. 请有礼貌,不要无礼。

5. you shouldn’t be noisy in the library. 你不应该在图书馆里吵闹。

unit 3 seasons

) 1. it is spring. it often __

a. rainb. rainsc. wet

) 2. it is summer now. the ducks are going to __a swim.

a. forb. inc. at

) 3. i’m __ugly duck. can i swim with you?

a. abc. an

) 4. what’s the weather __in shenzhen __summer?

a. like, inb. likes, on c. like, of

) 5. -why do you like summer

a. because i can swimb. because it’s cold.

c. because it’s cool.

1. in winter, it’s cold in harbin. it often snows. 在冬天,哈尔滨很冷,经常下雪。

2. where are you from? i’m from hangzhou. 你来自**?我来自杭州。

3. what’s the weather like there in spring? it’s warm and wet.

那里的天气怎么样? 温暖潮湿。

4. why? because i can see snow. 为什么?因为我可以看到雪。

unit 4 feeling sick

) 1. what’s wrong __you?

a. withb. forc. matter

) 2. tim __a stomachache.

a. h**eb. hasc. is

) 3. he __go to hospital and see the doctor.

a. needb. needsc. needs to

) 4. you h**e a fever. you need to __take some medicine.

a. eatb. takec. has

) 5. drink a lot of water and __small meals.

ab. hasc. eat

) 6. 你需要躺在床上休息两天。 可以说:

a. you need to stay in bed. b. you need to h**e a rest.

c. you need to stay in bed for two days.

1. what’s the matter? i h**e a stomachache. 你怎么了? 我胃疼。

2. you should take some medicine. 你应该吃药。

3. what’s wrong with tim? he has a headache. he has a fever, too.

tim 怎么了? 他头疼,也发烧了。

he needs to h**e a rest. he should drink more water and stay in bed today. 他需要休息。


4. take the medicine three times a day. 一天吃三次药。

unit 6 plants

) 1. 这棵植物会生长吗?可以说:

a. this plant will grow slowly. b. will this plant grow?

c. it needs a lot of light.

) 2. 这棵植物将不会生长。它需要水和阳光。可以说:

a. this plant won’t grow. it needs water and light.

b. this plant will grow. it needs soil and light.

c. this plant will die. it needs soil, water and light.

) 3. this plant has no water. it will __

a. grow quickly b. grow slowly c. die

) 4. the flowers need __let’s put them beside the window.

a. soilb. lightc. water

) 5should we water the flowersonce a day.

a. how oftenb. how muchc. how many

) 6. -will this plant grow

a. yes, it isb. no, it isn’tc. no, it won’t

) 7. -what __this plant needit __water and light.

a. does, needsb. do, needc. does, need

) 8. i want __some plants.

a. growb. to growc. grows

1. what does our plant need? 我们的植物需要什么?

2. how often should we water the plant? 我们应该多久浇一次水?

3. it needs water, soil and light. 它需要水,土壤和阳光。

4. -what will happen? 将会发生什么?

it will grow quickly/grow slowly/ die. 它会长得快/长得慢/死。

will this plant grow? 这植物会长吗?

---yes, it will. /no, it won’t. 是的,它会。/ 不, 它不会。


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