
发布 2023-02-02 19:33:28 阅读 5747


1.一个玩具熊猫2. here you are3.十五张贴纸4.看一看5.喜欢马一些香蕉 a cake9.试一试。

二、找出不是同一类的单词。(10分1. a.

animal b. pig c. cow( )2.

a. fruit b. apple c.

orange( )3. a. heb.

she c. my( )4. a.

any b. some c. grape( )5.

a. lions b. monkeys c.

elephant( )grape c. pineapple( )ourb. my c.

you( )am c. me( )b. swim c.

skate( )fourteen. b. thirteen c .

sure三、单项选择。(20分)( 1. look __these toy isb.

at c. it( )2. i like___theseb.

that c. those( )3. do you like this __a.

a lion b. lions c. lion( )4.

do you like __a. a lion b. lion c.

lions( )5. i h**e five __a .booksb.

a book c. book6. do you h**e __rubbers?

a. some b. any c.


a.i like a dogs. b. i like dogs. c. i h**e a dog8.当你想说自己喜欢那只猫时,你可以说:

like cats. b. i like this cat. c. i like that cat9.当你告诉别人你有一个苹果时你应该说:

a.i h**e an apple. b. i h**e a apple. c. i h**e apples10.当你想问别人是否有一些橘子时,你可以说:

you h**e any oranges? you h**e some oranges?c.

do you h**e any orange?四、从右栏中找出左栏相应的答句。写在题前括号内(10分)

1. do you like cakesa. yes, it is.(

2. what is thatb. thanks.(

3. here you arec. it’s cute.(

at my dogd. no, i don’t(

this a monkeye. it’s a toy monkey.五、根据情景,完成英文句子。(10分)


___youno, i2.那是一只狮子吗?不,不是。它是一只老虎。

is __a lion? no, _isn’t. it’s a


i h**e __grapes. do you h**egrapes?

4.看我们的芒果。look atmangoes.六、连词成句,注意句子开头字母的大写(20分)

you do tigers(?)

do any you pineapples(?)

do how you h**e many mike(,

4. makelet’s salad a fruit5. look boys these girls at animals toy and七、阅读短文,判断正误。(正确用。


f”表示)(10分)lily: hi, nancy. look,i h**e a toy how cute!

lily: do you like cats, nancy?nancy:

yes, i do. and i like tigers, do you h**e a toy cat?nancy:

no, but i h**e some toy how many toy tigers do you h**e?nancy: i h**e three.

( 1. lily has(有) a toy cat.( 2.

nancy don’t like cats.( 3. nancy has two toy tigers.

( 4. the toy cat is lovely.( has three toy tigers.




一 英汉互译14 1.一些蛋糕 sad3.这些马4.swim very well5.喜欢猫6.play football7.多少根香蕉 stickers9.看一看 fruit salad11.在那个盒子里12.how cool13.怎么样 like二 按要求写单词10 复数副词缩略形式宾格第三人称单...


豆豆书院暑期辅导四年级期中检测卷。一 词汇闯关赛 每个题目2分,共32分 一 根据汉语提示,写出对应的英语单词。1.狗2.猫3.狮子4.香蕉5.十五6.玩,打球7.许多8.飞二 中英文短语互译。1.俩个芒果2.喜欢老虎3.一个橙子4.18只小狗5.h e a and fat7.here you a ...


一 英汉互译14 1.一些蛋糕 sad3.这些马4.swim very well5.喜欢猫6.play football7.多少根香蕉 stickers9.看一看 fruit salad11.在那个盒子里12.how cool13.怎么样 like二 按要求写单词10 复数副词缩略形式宾格第三人称单...