
发布 2020-10-28 08:59:28 阅读 3629


1.一些蛋糕 sad3.这些马4.

swim very well5.喜欢猫6. play football7.

多少根香蕉 stickers9.看一看 fruit salad11.在那个盒子里12.

how cool13...怎么样 like二、按要求写单词10


三、根据首字母或中文提示完成句子。 a tliu tao.2.--c___you swim?--no, i c___

3.--what a___you, liu tao?

--i h**e a pie too.

4.--can mike __踢)football?--no, he c___5.--what do you hi h**e a doll.

6不要) be sad, bobby.四、单项选择15

) _a cake.

a. ******b. to do you h**egrapes?a. someb. anyc. a()3. i h**e many

a. crayonb. crayonsc. a crayon()4. -can mike swim?--no

a. he canb. i can’tc. he can’t

)5. yang ling has __orange and threea. a; mangosb.

an; mangoesc. an; mango()6. i likedo you likea.

doll; dollb. dolls;

)7. don’t __sad, amb. bec.

is()8. i can’t flya. twob.

tooc. either()9you play football?--yes, i __

a. are; amb. can; canc.

can;am()10. can i h**e __a. dob.

canc. what()11. i __do h**eb.

likec. can()12. let’s

a. playb. to playc.

for play()13.--do you __cakes?--no, _a.

some; i i don’tc. any ; i do()14.--can i h**e a grape

a. sureb. no, i don’tc. yes, i can()15very beautiful.

a. theyb. they isc. they’re

五、把下列句子按正确顺序重新排列。 afternoon, yang can helen jump? i can’t. what about you?

afternoon, su hai. look! i can she can’t .

cool! can you jump? can jump. look!


bing: do you h**ebananas, su hai?su hai: yesdo.

wang bingbananas do you h**e?su hai

do you h**e any sweets, mum?mum: yes , i h**e many sweets here.

danny: great! _i h**e some sweets for my friends?mum: suresweets would you like?danny

mum: ok

danny: thank you, mum.

七、根据中文提示,完成英文句子121. -你喜欢狗吗?--不,我不喜欢。

a:do youbi don’t.2. -你有菠萝吗?--不,我没有。

a:do youb:no, i don’t.


a: how __toydo you h**e ?b: i h**etoy dogs.4.--我不会游泳。你会吗?


a: i can’thow about

b: i can swim, but i can’t


1. table, can , tennis, you, play(?)

2. you, many, h**e, how , robots, do(?)

3. play, let’s, basketball(.)

4. cars, h**e, do ,any, you, toy(?)

5. and , are , fat, they, cute(.)

九、阅读短文,判断正(t)误(f) 12

it can run. helen has a doll. it can sing. wang bing has a panda. it’s white

and black. we h**e lots of toys. we like them.

()1. yang ling has a monkey.()2.

the monkey can run.()3. the panda can sing.

()4. the panda is white and black.

)5. helen has a panda.()6. the cats are cute and fat.


一 英汉互译14 1.一些蛋糕 sad3.这些马4.swim very well5.喜欢猫6.play football7.多少根香蕉 stickers9.看一看 fruit salad11.在那个盒子里12.how cool13.怎么样 like二 按要求写单词10 复数副词缩略形式宾格第三人称单...


豆豆书院暑期辅导四年级期中检测卷。一 词汇闯关赛 每个题目2分,共32分 一 根据汉语提示,写出对应的英语单词。1.狗2.猫3.狮子4.香蕉5.十五6.玩,打球7.许多8.飞二 中英文短语互译。1.俩个芒果2.喜欢老虎3.一个橙子4.18只小狗5.h e a and fat7.here you a ...


豆豆书院暑期辅导四年级期中检测卷。1 词汇闯关赛 每个题目2分,共32分 一 根据汉语提示,写出对应的英语单词。1.狗2.猫3.狮子4.香蕉。5.十五6.玩,打球7.许多8.飞。二 中英文短语互译。1.俩个芒果2.喜欢老虎3.一个橙子。4.18只小狗5.and fat 7.here you a ca...