
发布 2023-01-27 01:57:28 阅读 2105


( )a.食堂 b.图书馆 c.操场。

) a.** b.电视 c.计算机。

) a.你 b.你的 c.你们的。

) a.** b.讲台 c.墙壁。

) a.英语 b.语文 c.数学。

) a.衬衫 b.连衣裙 c.夹克衫。

) a.短裙 b.毛衣 恤衫。

) a.袜子 b.鞋 c.短裤。

) a.短裙 b.夹克衫 c.连衣裙。

) a.白色的 b.绿色的 c.黄色的。


1. 我的短裙 for

2. 回家7 .hang up

3. 我的袜子8. go to school

4. 英语课9. teacher’s office

5. 起床10. take off


) the canteen.

)2. is the art room?

it’s on the first floor.

) our school!

a. at

)4. do youlunch at school?

yes,i do.

to )5. in the homework.

姓名班级。 ) that your computer?

yesisn’t. is. not.

)7the music room is on the floor.

) many books here.

) is it?

it’s six o’clock.

a. colour

) time class.

to ) the

go to bed b time to go to bed to bed

) time breakfast.

to ) time is it sydney?

) my shirt?

care )16. is it?

it’s mike’s.

) my shorts?

) sweater pink.

) pants old.

) is it?

it’s blue.

c. this


a. rice b. kite c. pig d. bike e. fish f. ice-cream g. window h. milk

第一组 第二组



复数形式 is(缩写形式。





1. classroom, how, are, many, there, your, in, school.(?

2. time, to, to, it’s, school, go (.

3. colour, are, your, pants, what (?

4. computer, the, is, room, on, first, the, floor (.

5. are, they, what (?

6. go, the, playground, to, let’s (.

7. h**e, new, a ,for, my, i, party, dress,birthday (.

8. red, is, my, t-shirt (.

姓名班级。white, sweater, green, the, skirt, like,i, with (.

your, this, skirt (?


a: welcome to my 1 . look,this is my bedroom.

b:what’s 2 the bed?

a:come and h**e a 3 ! 4 is my skirt. those are my shirt and jacket.


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