
发布 2023-01-22 07:57:28 阅读 6895



1. 在门后2. 多少张贴纸。

3. 我们的新家4. 在厨房里。

5. 在你的卧室里6. 试一试。

7. cute and fat8. what about

9. do well10. don’t be sad


us(缩写形式2. beautiful((同义词。

复数 (同义词。





)1that cat.

— how nice!

a. look atb. watchc. see

— yes,please.

a. do you like cats? b. would you like some bread? c. what would you like?

)3. let’s a kite.

a. flyb. flyingc. to fly

)4. —what do you h**e?

a. yes,i do b. i h**e two pens c. yes,i h**e

)5. mike is a student and he can swim .

a. good;good b. well;wellc. good;well

)6. liu tao a new pencil case.

a. h**eb. hasc. h**ing

)7. i’m .

a. eleven year old b. eleven years old c. eleven old

)8. what are over there?

a. thatb. thesec. those

)9. —look at new schoolbag.

a. ib. mec. my

)10. do you like this ?

a. lionsb. lionc. a lion


1.they are in the bathroom.(对划线部分提问)

2. is it in the fridge.(改写为肯定句)

3. my rubber is in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问)

4.i can skate very well.(改为一般疑问句)

5. i h**e some rulers. (对划线部分提问)

五. 改错。从a、b、c中选出错误项填在括号中,再横线上改正过来。(10分)

)1. how many mango do you h**e

a b c )2. do you h**e some toy cars

ab c )3. su yang can play the table tennis

a b c )4. i can’t open the box,too

a bc )5. i don’t h**e grapes and pineapples

a bc 六. 连词成句,并译成中文。 (注意句首大写,句末标点) (20分)

1. a,i,orange,mango,h**e,an,and (

中文。2. you,do,can,what

中文。3. h**e,toy,cars,many,do,how,you (

中文。4. well,he,swim,can,very

中文。5. make,let’s,salad,a,fruit

中文。6. she’s,perhaps,room,the,in,living( .

中文。7. see,i,her,can,skirt,the,chair,on( .

中文。8. bedroom,caps,our,the,in,are( .

中文。9. a,about,dog, ?中文。


1this) are my toy pandas.

2. how muchbe) the pen?

3. this ishe) cap.

4. i canswim) very well.

5. i don’t h**esome) bananas.

6. would you like a cake withcherry)?

7. sheh**e) a new doll.

8not) be sad.

9. he likesplay) basketball.

10. i don’t knowtoo


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