
发布 2023-01-20 01:50:28 阅读 1107



一、 read and match连线30’

1、 supermarket街道11、drink喝。

2、 street超市12、make蔬菜。

3、 beside车站13、vegtable制作。

4、 house在…旁边 14、strong汤。

5、 station房子15、draw强壮的。

6、 write人们16、soup画。

7、 picture写17、afraid物品。

8、 people图画18、thing恐怕。

9、 chess饥饿19、interesting阅读。


二、read and match连线15’

1、look at this man what is he doing? a、yes,i do.

b、he’s flying a kite.

2、do you want some fishc、no, thank you.

d、we are reading a book.

3、what are you doing, childrene、i am listening to music.

f、he is near the house.

4、where is the boyg、yes, i can.

5、i can jump high, can you

三、read and choose读一读,选一选10’

1、do you want some

2、it’sthe station.

3、she’sa letter.

4、what___he doing?

5、can you___fast?

四、read and choose根据交际情景选择正确答20’


a. what do you do? b .what are you doing?


a. sorryb excuse me.

( )3.当你想接受别人的好意时,你应说:__

a .yes,pleaseb . yes,i can.

) 4.妈妈问你想要一些米饭吗?应问:

a. do you want some rice?

i h**e some rice?

) 5.你看到好多人在打太极拳,你应说:__

a they’re drinking tea.

doing taijiquan.


a. i can jump farb. i can jump high.


a、i talk to my friend.

b、i’m talking to my friend.


a、 this is lingling. she’s running.

b、 this is lingling. she runs.

五、read and choose读一读并选择10’

1、we can see lots___interesting things.

a、of b、off

2、he’s playinga toy car.

a、with b、to

3、it’s next___a shop.

a、in b、to

4、thank you___much.

a、much b、so

5、wang lin is __letters.

a. writeb. writing



mike:tom, what day is it today?

tom:it’s saturday. what do you do on saturday?

mike:i climb the hill and play football.

tom:it’s good.

mike:and you?

tom:i do my homework on saturday and do housework on sunday.

1、today is sunday.

2、mike plays football on saturday.

3、tom clmbs the hill.

4、tom do his homework on saturday.

tom doesn’t do housework on sunday.


a rabbit lives in a hole(洞). a lion lives near it. the lion is hungry.

so he goes out and sees the rabbit drinking water. so he runs to the rabbit is afraid. she runs into her hole.

the lion says ,“i don’t like eating you.” the rabbit is happy and goes out of her hole. the lion eats her.

1)、where does the rabbit live?

(2)、what is the rabbit doing?

(3)、how is the rabbit feeling(感觉)?

(4)、does the lion like eating the rabbit?

(5)、is the lion clever(聪明)?


daddy: hi , huahua! what are you doing?

huahua: i am reading a book about dogs. it’s very interesting.

daddy: oh. you’re ok! now, it’s time for dinner. do you want some rice?

huahua: no. i love some dumplings and soup .

daddy: yes. wait!

huahua: thanks,daddy!

)1. what is huahua doing?

a. writing b. talking c. reading

)2. what is daddy ready(准备) for?

a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner

)3. which animal(哪种动物) is the story about, cats, dogs or birds?

a. cats

)4. does huahua want some rice?


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