
发布 2023-01-18 21:24:28 阅读 8195

一. 按要求写出下列单词的各种形式。

复数) 反义词)

同音词) 对应词)

同义词) 对应词)

反义词) 单三)

过去式) 对应词)

复数) 过去式)

过去式) 否定式)

同音词) 复数)


过去式) 否定式)

过去式) 复数)

复数) 复数)

复数) 过去式)

对应词) 形容词)

复数) 同义词)


1. 看电视———

2. cook fish___

3. 听**———

4.what about___

5. cook rice for lunch___

6. 和一些朋友交谈———

7. a nice book___

8. 给奶奶打**———

9. 放风筝———

10. walk in the park___


12. 炒鱼———

13. speak english___

14. 打篮球———

15. 弹钢琴———

16. a famous city___

17. 美国的首都———

18. a big city___

19. live there___

20. 在北边———


22. 在那儿———

23. in the east___

24. 做家务———

25. 帮助孩子们学习———

26. do our homework___

27. the weather tomorrow___

28. 野餐———

29. come from___

30. go shopping___


1. called, is ,china, also, prc(.)

2. english, in,people,england,speak(.)

3. nice, new york, a ,is, city(?)

4. sister, there, my, live(.)

5. in, china, hainan, south, of, the(.)qingdao,a,china(.)

7. the, is, in,east(.)

8. visit, i, want, beijing, to(.)

9. he, meat, yesterday, cook, did(?)

10. talk ,we, to, friends,didn`t,our(.)


1.i walked in the park yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)

2. they played football last sunday(改为否定句)

3. did you play computer games last night?(作否定回答)

4. did sam and amy jump yesterday?(做肯定回答)

5. lingling talked to her friend. (改为一般疑问句)

6. i live in beijing.( 改为一般疑问句)

7. new york is in the east of the usa.(对划线部分提问)

8. sam lives in san francisco.( 改为一般疑问句)

9. i will meet the chinese child.(改为复数句子)

10. shanghai is a famous city.(改为一般疑问句)

11. we love holidays(改为一般疑问句)

12. i was a little boy.( 改为复数句子)

13. my hair is very long.(改为过去时)


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