
发布 2023-01-18 14:51:28 阅读 7528


一、 pep第。

三、四册(四年级)重点句型 :

1. this/that is+(单数) 这是/那是…。

如:this is john. /that is a desk.

these / those are +(名词复数)这些/那些是…。

如:these are my skirts. /those are your jeans.

2. we /they /you h**e+(名词单、复数)

我们/ 他们/ 你们有……。

如:we h**e a new book. /they h**e some cows.

he/ she/ 人名/ my father has +(名词单、复数)

他 / 她 / 谁/ 我爸爸有…。

如:he/she has long hair. /sarah/my mother has many sheep.

3. 问句:where is the/your/my+(名词单数)? 在**?

如:where is the rulerwhere is my football ?

答句:it is ( on / in/ under/ near ) 名词。

…在(上 / 里/ 下/ 附近)

如:it is on the wall . it is near the phone .

4. 问句:let’s ……如:let’s sweep the floor .

答句: all right . good idea . ok . no problem .

5. 问句:how many+(名词复数)do you h**e ? 你有多少……?

如:how many dresses do you h**e ?

答句:i h**e+(名词单、复数)

如:i h**e a / one dressi h**e three dresses .

6. 问句:what colour is+(名词单数) …是什么颜色?

如:what colour is the sweater ?

答句:it is+(颜色词) 如:it is brown .


what colour are the pantsthey are blue .

7. 问句:may i h**e a look ? 我可以看看吗?

答句:sure . here you are . 当然可以,给你。

8. 问句:how many+(名词复数)can you see ?

如:how many hens can you see ?

答句:i can see+(具体数目) 如:i can see nine .

9. (1) my friend is a boy/ girl. he is tall and strong. /she is thin and quiet.

(2) my friend has long hair. he has a big nose./ she has small eyes.

10. 问句:what is your / his / her name ?

答句:my / his / her name is……

11. 问句:who is he / she ? 他/ 她是谁?

答句:he / she is+(表示人名或身份的名词)

如:he is mikeshe is my sister .

12. he / she / my friend / my father likes……

i / they / you like……

13. 问句:is this如:is this your jacket ?

答句:yes, it is . no, it isn’t .

但是,如果问句用she 或 he , 答句也要用she 或 he .

如is he / she your friend ? yes, he/she is.或 no, he/she isn’t.

14. 问句:are they /these / those…? 他们/这些/那些是什么吗?

如:are these potatoes ? are those your shorts?

答句:yes , they are . no , they aren’t .

15. 问句:can i h**e some…? 如:can i h**e some vegetables?

答句: sure . here you are .(和may i h**e a look?的答句一样)

16. 问句:what would you like for dinner / lunch / breakfast ?

答句:i’ d like some…… 如: i’d like some beef .

17. 问句:how many people / members are there in your family/class?

答句:(用数字回答) 如: four . forty .

18. 问句:who are they ? 他们是谁 ?

答句:they are +(表示人名或身份的名词)

如:they are my parents and me. /they are teachers .

19. my family has seven members / people . 我家有七位成员 。

20. 问句:what’s +(表示人名或身份的名词) …是干什么的?

如:what’s your father ? what’s amy ?

答句:he / she is a+(职业名词) 他 / 她是一位……

如:he / she is a doctorhe / she is a student .

21. he/ she/ 人名/ my father looks strong / thin / quiet .

他 / 她 / 谁 / 我父亲看起来很健壮 / 瘦小 / 安静 。

they / you / my parents look strong / thin / quiet .

他们 / 你 /我的父母亲看起来很健壮 / 瘦小 / 安静 。

22. 问句:how are you答句:fine . thank you .

问句:how old are you ? 答句:i am +(岁数)

23. 问句:are you……?你是……吗?

如:are you in the bedroom ? are you a student ?

答句:yes , i amno , i am not .

24. 问句:what’ s 10 plus 10 ?

答句:it’ s 20 .

25. this(这个) 、that(那个) 都用在单数的情况下。

如: what is this ? it’s a computer .

is that a skirt ? yes , it is .

these(这些) 、those(那些) 都用在复数的情况下。

如: what are these ? they are jeans .

are those pants ? no , they aren’t .

26. where is the canteen ? it’ s on the first / second floor .

27. 问句:do you……?如:do you h**e lunch at school ?

答句:yes , i dono , i don’t .

28. wow ! your school is beautiful /cool ! thank you .

29. 问句:what time is it now ? 现在几点了 ?

答句:it is +(钟点) 如:it is 7: 30 / 2: 00 .

30. (1) it’ s time for +(名词) 是时间干某事了。

如:it’ s time for dinner / lunch / breakfast / school / english .

(2 ) it’ s time to +(动词是时间干某事了。

如:it’ s time to get up / go home / go to school / h**e dinner .


1 填空。1 最大的两位数与最小的三位数的积是。2 已知26 27 702,那么26 54 3 两个数相乘,如果一个因数扩大为原来的2倍,要使积不变,另一个因数应。4 已知a b 1200,那么 a 2 b 2a 8 b 8 改写成以万为单位的数是省略亿后面的尾数得到的近似数是 6.若49 000 ...


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复习 四年级

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