
发布 2023-01-18 13:24:28 阅读 4964


一单词;操场)花园)3. teacher’s office (教师办公室)4. library (图书馆)5.

canteen (食堂) (第一)7. floor (层【楼】) 欢迎 (给;我们的)很多的) (客人;参观者)那儿;那班级)午餐)在) way(这边)请)美丽的)计算机)写字板)风扇)灯)这;这个)是)我的)那;那个)你的) room(绘画教室) room(计算机教室)卫生间) room(**教室)体育馆) room(电视机房)第二)顶好的;酷的) desk(讲台)38. picture(图画;**)39.

wall(墙壁)地板)是;是的) (它)

二句子: is the canteen? it’s on the first floor

to our school

many students are there in your class?forty-five.

you h**e a library?yes,i do

you h**e lunch at school?no ,i dont’

6. the canteen is on the first flool。

7. this way, please.

8. your school is beautiful.

9 we h**e a new computer room.

10 let’s go like this one

11 is this the library?yes,it is.

12 is that the art room? yes,it is.

no it isn’t.

13 what’s on it?let’s go and h**e a look


14 this is my computer.15 that is your computer.

15 that is your computer

16. .is this a teacher’s desk?yes,it is.


午餐) class (英语课) class(**课早餐)晚餐;正餐) class(体育课)结束) to the playground(去操场)现在) a minute(再多一会) home(回家)小孩;孩子)跑)一)二)三)四)五)六)七)八)九)十)什么)时间) =it is(它是)点钟) up(起床) to school(上学) home (回家) to bed(**睡觉)74. ready (准备好的)抓紧;赶快)数学)77. chinese(语文)英语)体育)**)为;给)课程)

二词组: up to school home to bed

a minute6. hurry up

三。句子:time for english class.(music class

is go to the play ground.

go run

one is correct

time to go to school.

6. breakfast is ready 7. i’m ready!

8. look at my clock. it’s nice.

9. can i h**e a try?

四。 四会句型:

10。what time is it? it’s time for math class

11. it’s 9:45. it’s time for math class.


夹克衫)衬衫)裙子)连衣裙)毛衣)恤衫)谁的)红色的)蓝色的)黄色的)绿色的)白色的)不;不是)不;不是的)牛仔裤)长裤)袜子)鞋子)短裤)这些)如此;这样) =they are(他们是)那些)但是) for(为什么)邻居)颜色)


like the white sweater with the green skirt.

2. where is my skirt? it’s on the bed.

3. whose is this? it’s your baby brother’s!

4. whose is it? it’s my t-shirt.

5. so many colours! 6. please pass me my t-shirt.

7 my t-shirt is red.

8. where are my socks?they are on your feet。

9. look at these.

10. what are they? these are your baby pants.

11. but what for? our neighbour has a new baby!


12. this red t-shirt is pretty!

this your skirt?no,it’s not. yes ,it is

colour is it?it’s white.(yellow red )

第四单元 一单词

暖和的)寒冷的)凉爽的)炎热的)天气) report(天气预报)穿)今天) =can not(不能) on(穿上)牛仔裤)长裤)122. socks(袜子)鞋子) =let us(让我们)玩;踢)足球)下雨的)下雪的)有风的)130. cloudy(多云的)晴朗的)喂;你好)喂;你好) much (没什么) york (纽约)事情;麻烦) to (必须;不得不) (关;关上)139.


二。词组: report. football.3。not much

to on

三句子:1. this is the weather report.

2. it’s cool in lhasa. it’s hot in hong kong.

3. can i wear my new shirt today? no,you can’t.

4. those are my shoes.

5. where are they ? they are on your feet?

6. here’s the world weather.

7. what are you doing?not much

8. what’s the weather like in beijing? it’s rainy today.

9. how about new york? it’s sunny

10. what’s the matter? it’s windy now.

11. i h**e to close the window.

12. what’s the matter with you? i h**e cold.

四。四会句型:12. it’s warm football.

cool. is it cool?yes,it is。no,it isn’t

第五单元 一。单词。

140. colourful(色彩丰富的)漂亮的;可爱的)便宜的)昂贵的) (六十)七十) (百)售货员) (帮助)149. how much(多少钱)150.

ninety-nine(九十九) =that is(那是)152. big (大的) (小的)长的)短的)网球鞋) (拖鞋)158. sandals(凉鞋)靴子)想要)一双;一对) pair of…(一双…)为;给) (儿子) (尺码)166.

all right(好吧;好的) =we will(我们将) (买;拿走) (他们)苹果) (香蕉) (梨) (橙子)西瓜)175. are(是【复数】)他们【主格】)


四年级下学期复习提纲 6 10单元 单词 要求 能熟练听 说 认读所有单词,默写下划线单词。句子 要求 能整体认读句子并能准确的问答对应。unit 6 clothes衣服。词 t shirt t恤衫 jeans牛仔裤 cap鸭舌帽 shoes鞋子 trainers运动鞋。shirt衬衫 dress女...

四年级下复习提纲 2019

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