
发布 2023-01-07 10:46:28 阅读 5657

unit 4 the internet connect us

.phrases 翻译。

1.过去常常 used __习惯于做某事___used to 2.网上聊天chat __

3.做调查___some research 4.超过more than=__5.写博客write __

6.发送/接收send or __e-mails 7.英语口语/书面语___english/__english 8.

搜寻search for9.搜索引擎search __10.根据depend

11.在古代in ancient __12.手工___hand 13.

继续,反复做某事keep on14.印刷机the printing __15.数千的thousands __16.

一种新书a __kind of __book 17.长大grow __18.让某人难过make sb19.

全世界all over the___20.在。前面in front __21.

实现come __22.能,会be able23.很快___seconds 24.

保持联系___in touch 25.不如。。。社交能力强___social 26.

除去aside __27.指点方向give sb __28.约定时间set___a time 29.

打**make a phone___30.占据take up 31.在过去in the __32.

准许某人做某事allow sbsth



i use the __to read about information __sports and __

2.我过去用的是台式机。ih**e a desktop.

3.平板电脑没有键盘和鼠标。the tablets h**e __keyboard and __


the laptop is __carry,so i can take it __

5.有五百人阅读我的博客。there are about 500 people___my blog.

6.我喜欢在网上查作业材料。i like to do __for my homework __

7.我在收集一些有关咖啡产业的信息。i am __someabout coffee __

8.小麦生长在中国的北部地区。wheat __in the __part of china.

9.它帮助我们做事情更加迅速。it helps us get things __more

10.点击回车键,登陆网页the enter bar and __onto the __


i enter somein the search engine to find information __the topic.


easter is one __the __important festivals in many countries.

13.复活节不在每年同一天到来。日期由月亮决定。easter doesn’t __on the same day __datethe moon.

14.兔子和彩蛋是复活节的象征。bunnies and eggs are __of easter.

15.书籍的历史很有趣。the __of book is a lot of __


in ancient __people __on knowledge __telling stories.

17.手工写一本书需要花很长时间。it __a long time to write a book __hand.


___modern technology,it’scommon people to read books


the internet let the information tr**el __and___

20.不管你有的是书籍还是电脑,继续阅读。__you on __


the modern printing press can makebokks every day.

22.这种新书改变了人们的阅读习惯。this new kind of bookthe world.

23.这个消息让我很难过。the bad news __me __

24.我有环游世界的梦想i h**e a dream ofthe world.

25.她问人们是否他们能帮忙她。she asked __people can help her.


they posted pictures __grandma tr**eling around the world.

27.在这张**里,他正站在金字塔前微笑。hein front of the pyramid __

28.你让我的梦想成为现实。you h**e made my dream

30.她和奶奶永远都会记得那天。__she __her grandma will forget that day.

31.请向你的父母转达我的祝福和祝愿。please send your parents my __and __


___many ways, the internet has made our life __and __

33.每个事物有优缺点。every coin __two sides.


some __will become real __if we don’t take __


apart __that,some people __others’ _information.


don’t let computertoo much of of your time

37.我更喜欢在计算机上写报告。i __writing my report

38.我已经学会了怎么使用聊天程序。ihow __use a __program。


if i want to go to some new places, i can __my way __

40.我们约定时间一起上网聊天。we cana time to go online __


clause with “if”


意思是从句位于句首时,从句与主句间用 __隔开。

常见的状语从句连接词还有unless,as long as等。

1)if i __h**e)time,i’ll go with you.

2)what will happen if he___come) to our neighborhood.

3)i will go to the park __it’s rainy. long as


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参考词汇: popular, chat, shop, listen to the music ,advantage,disadvantage,use...to...


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