
发布 2023-01-01 14:56:28 阅读 5445




unit8how do you make a banana milk shake ?.


1.—please __倒出)some ea for your uncle and aunt .-ok mum.

2. if you put some __盐)in the soup , it will be more delicious .3.

a___some sugar to the salad ,and it’ll be sweet .

4 when we make salad ,put some h___at last ,and it’ll be more delicious . use s___to drink soup .

6. we must dig a h___before we plant a tree .7. we need some c___to make popcorn .

8. he bought a washing m___for his family yesterday .

9. we looked for the boy here and there ,and __最后)found him in a shop .10.

my mother bought much __奶油) yesterday .11.–what’s the t___today ?

-it’s 25 degrees .

12. -where are you going on vacation ?-i’m going to e___to see big ben .

13. people庆祝)important hologys by doing different things .in the hole world .

14. the usually eat __火鸡)on thanksgiving day .15.

first, cut the potatoes into thin __薄片).

16 .thanksgiving day is a __传统的) holiday in the united states . 盘子) my mother bought yesterday is very beautiful .

18. last month the __旅行者) lost the way in hainan .19.

how much __蜂蜜)do we need ?

20. this big restaurant can __接待)mang people every day .ⅱ用所给词的适当形式填空。

sister often wears __tradition) chinese clothes . you h**e an idea of __give) thanks .?

many __tomato) do we need for the tomato noodles? for __help)me with my english . would love __h**e )啊cup of tea .

6.__not sleep ) too late . it’s bad for your health .

many __cup ) of yogurt do you need ? no need __worry) about his study .

forget __shake) the juice before you drink it .10.__clean ) your room please .

it’s too dirty .11.--do you know how __cook) noodles?

金戈铁骑。will h**e a big party __celebrate) our success .

careful while walking .the road is __cover) with snow . be) some story books for you .

like __spend) the special holiday .

girls in our class enjoy __sing) and dancing . teacher are __friend) to us .

would you like __drink) ,tea or coffee?19.__not drink )too much milk when you are hungry .

___fall )down from the bike when he rode to school .ⅲ完成句子。

1.he drank另外两杯) of yogurt .2.they need两勺盐)。3.please __the soup __把……倒入)the bowl .


my mothermilk every day .5.你知道如何包水饺吗?

do you know6.把绿茶放入茶壶,然后倒入热水。

___the green tea in the pot , and then __hot water __it .7.他把书包装满书,然后带它去了学校。

he __the schoolbag __the books and then took it to his school .8.碗里有五片鸡肉。


father’s day is usuallyin june .10.放学后,同学们一个接一个地走出了教室。

the studentsthe classroomafter school .11.把这些肉切成片,然后把肉放进汤里。

___the meatthen put them in the soup .12.请把面粉和水混合在一起。

pleasethe flour (面粉)and water .13.我们需要三个香蕉和一匙蜂蜜。

we needand14.请把收音机打开,我想听听新闻。

pleasethe radio , ithe news.15.别忘了加一些糖和盐。

some sugar and salt .16.我用报纸盖住钢笔,然后让弟弟去找。

i___my pen __a news***** , then i asked my little brother toit .17.我们应该对父母所提供的一切表示感谢。

wefor everything that our parents give us .18.他从书包里拿出字典给了我。

hehis __from his schoolbag and g**e it to me .19.该吃午饭了。



could youmy friends ?

22.这些游客度过了漫长艰苦的冬季,他们中一些死去了。these __had long hard winter , and



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