
发布 2022-12-30 16:12:28 阅读 2310


( )1. i'lllater today.

a. ring her up b. ring up her c. call her to d. call up her

) 2. don't complain __about your problems.

a. much too b. too many c. many too d. too much

) 3. you don't know the way. why __the policeman for help?

a. don't ask b. no ask c. not ask d. not to ask

) 4. i h**e two brothers. one is a workeris a driver.

a. another b. the others c. other d. the other

) are __books in our library.

a. five hundreds b. hundred of c. hundreds of hundred of

) 6. the girl is new here and she livesso she seems

a. lonely; lonely b. alone; alone c. lonely; alone d. alone; lonely

) 7. there's too much noise here. let's go

a. somewhere quiet b. quiet somewhere c. anywhere quiet d. quiet anywhere

) 8. we'll go on a field trip if it __this weekend.

a. won't rain b. isn't raining c. doesn't rain d. will rain

) 9.—we missed a chance to win a goal

a. well done b. good luck c. what a pity d. how lucky

( )10. this film is asas that one.

a. interested b. more interesting c. interesting interested

) 11. whatgirl she is!

a. a beautiful b. beautiful c. beautifully d. the beautifully

) 12. the greens will h**e __holiday in china.

a. two weeks b. two week c. two-week d. a two-week

) 13. —i don't know much about computer. —i don't knowlet's go and ask for help.

a. also b. either c.

too d. as well

) 14. you'd better stay at home. the wind is blowingat the moment.

a. hardly b. hard c. strong d. he**ily

) 15. there are many shops onside of the street.

a. both b. every c. each d. each of

1. a ring up 意为打**, her是人称代词,需放在ring和up中间。 2.

d much too 用来修饰形容词或副词,too many修饰可数名词,too much修饰不可数名词。 3. c why not do sth.

固定句式,表示为什么不做……呢? 4. d one…the other… 表示一个……,另一个……,用于指两者。

another用于三者或三者以上的另一个。xk b 5. c hundred 表示具体有几百时,用单数;表示虚指时,用复数加of,意为成百上千的。

6. d alone表示单独,独自; lonely 指精神上的孤独,寂寞。 7.

a 修饰 somebody, something, somewhere 的形容词需后置; anywhere 用于否定句和疑问句中。 8. c 这是一个条件状语从句。

主句用一般将来时,从句需用一般现在时。 9. c 表示很遗憾。

10. c as… as… 是同级比较,应用原级。 interested表示对……感兴趣;interesting 表示有趣的。

11. a 感叹句的构成是what a+形容词+可数名词单数+主谓。 12.

d a two-week做holiday的定语,表示一个两周的假期,此为固定表达法。 13. b 四个都表示”也”。

但either用于否定句,其他三个用于肯定句。 14. d hardly几乎不; hard硬的、困难的;strong强壮的;he**ily猛烈地。

15. c each side 表示街的两边;every用于三者或三者以上。both指两者,但side需用复数。


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