
发布 2022-12-29 11:10:28 阅读 7186

一。 重要词汇和句型。

1. how long (时间持续)多长 (某物) 多长

how long did you sleep last night ? for 8 hours .

how soon (从现在起还要)多久

how soon will he be backin a week .

how often (某个动作)隔多久一次。

how often do you go to the cinemaonce a month .

how far (某地) 多远。

how far is the store from hereabout 500 meters .

how much 多少钱。

how much is the shirt ? 150 yuan .

2. collect 动词, “收集, 搜集 ”

he often collects empty glasses and waste ***** .

my brother likes collecting foreign coins .

collector 名词, “收集者, 收藏者 ” he is a famous stamp collector .

collection 名词, “收藏品 ” he has a lot of sports collection .

3. raise (1) 动词, “筹款, 筹募, 筹集 ”

they are raising money for the students in mountains .

how much did you raise for school ? 你筹集了多少钱办学校?

2) 动词, “举起, 抬起, 提高 ”

raise your hand if you want to ask a question .

they must find a way to raise the temperature in the room .

(3) 动词, “种植, 饲养, 养育 ”

do you know how the chinese raise silkworm (蚕 )

raise 的主语是人, 表示 “ 人为地使某物上升” ;

而rise 的主语是物, 表示 “ 自然地或非主观因素地提升”

joe raised his bow(弓) and began to take aim at (瞄准) the bird .

the sun rises in the east .

raise 是及物动词, rise是不及物动词。

prices h**e been raised a lot . 物价涨了很多。

the price of the tv sets has risen recently . 最近电视机涨价了。

4. thanks for sth. =thank you for sth 谢谢某人的某物。

thanks for doing sth ==thank you for doing sth 谢谢某人做某事。

thanks for your presents . thank you for your presents .

thanks for helping me .=thank you for helping me .

5. run out of (1 ) 用完, 耗尽

we are running out of our money . 我们的钱快用光了。

we h**e run out of the ***** . can you go and get some for us ?

(2 ) 从……跑出来 look ! he is running out of the room .

6. room (1) 不可数名词, “空间, 空地, 位置 ”

make room for 给……腾地方。

there is no standing room in the bus . 公共汽车上连站的地方都没有了。

7. with (1) 和某人一起 i live in beijing with my parents .

he often plays football with his friends after class .

(2) 用we see with eyes and hear with ears .

they climb trees with ladders (爬树 )

(3 ) 带有, 具有 ” 表示伴随的特征 he is a man with only one eye .

china is a country with a long history .

8. a pair of 一对, 一双, 一副

通常修饰由两部分合在一起的物品复数体现在pair 后面。

a pair of shoes \ gloves \ socks \ glasses \ pants \ scissors (剪刀)

there is a pair of shoes under the chair .

my sister bought two pairs of socks yesterday .

pair是单数时, 谓语动词用单数形式, pair是复数时, 谓语动词用复数形式。

a pair of gloves is welcome present (礼物) .

many pairs of shoes are in the box .

pair 词组加定语时, 要放在pair的前面。

he bought a new pair of shoes last week .

9. one 代词, 用来代替上文所指的单数的人或物。 如果代替复数名词, 则用ones .

i don’t like the watch . please show me another one .

these shoes are too expensive . what about those ones ?

10. by the way 顺便问一下, 顺便说一下。

by the way , where is the nearest hospital ?

by the way , i h**e something to tell you .

其它短语: all the way 一路上, 一直 on one’s way to 在某人去……的路上 on the way 在路上, 在途中 by way of … 以……的方法\ 方式

show sb. the way 给某人指路 this way, please .请走这边。

11. be interested in sth.==show interest in sth 对……感兴趣。

i am interested in english .

the boy showed great interest in science when he was ten .

be interested in doing sth . 对做某事感兴趣。

he is interested in playing football .

12. think of (1) 想起, 记得。

i can’t think of his name at the moment (现在) .

i thought of my hometown when i saw the beautiful scenery .

(2 ) 认为 what do you think of ……

how do you like ……你认为…… 怎么样?

(3) 考虑, 关心 he always thinks of others .

13. the capital of的省会 \ 首都。

beijing is the capital of china .


一,常考短语。raise money for 筹钱。collect stamps 集邮。run out of 用尽。by the way 顺便说一下。on the way to 在 的路上。be interested in 对 感兴趣。more than over 超过。fly kites 放风筝。...


一。重要词汇和句型。时间持续 多长 某物 多长。从现在起还要 多久 某个动作 隔多久一次。某地 多远。多少钱。动词,收集,搜集 名词,收集者,收藏者。名词,收藏品。动词,筹款,筹募,筹集 你筹集了多少钱办学校?动词,举起,抬起,提高 动词,种植,饲养,养育 蚕 的主语是人,表示 人为地使某物上升 而...


他 她曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?这里 he she has ever received 是一个现在完成时的句子,充当gift的定语从句,省略从句引导词that.4.compare v.比较 相比。compare 名词 with to 名词。用于比较的情形时,通常用with,用于比喻时常用to.co...