
发布 2022-12-28 21:56:28 阅读 7562

1. people won’t use money .人们将不使用钱。

everything will be free. 一切都将免费的。

解析1】everything (pron.) 每件事物。

everything is possible. 一切皆有可能。

everything is impossible. 一切皆有不可能。



2) 形容词修饰不定代词时,放在不定代词之后。there is nothing serious 没什么要紧的。

解析2】free adj. (1) 免费的 (2) 自由的

be free = h**e time自由的。

children under five are free on buses.

-i’m le**ing for the exam. bye-bye, mum.

well, make sure you’ve got __everything/nothing)ready.

)2. —everything ok, lucy?

no, my english is not as good as chinese.

a. is b. does c. are d. do

) mother earth gives us __we need in our daily life.

a. nobody b. nothing c. everybody d. everything

)4.--tom, supper is ready.

---i don't want to eat___mum. i'm not feeling well.

a. everything b. nothing c. something d. anything

( )5. will you __tomorrow night?

a. be free b. for free c. free for d. free

2. books will only be on computer, not on *****. 书将只会在电脑上出现,而不是在纸上。

解析1】***** n ⑴ 纸张(不可数名词)

a piece of ***** 一张张 two pieces of ***** 两张纸。

“试卷;**; 报纸(news*****)时,是可数名词。

a test ***** 一张试卷 a news***** 一张报纸。

***** money 纸币 ***** tiger 纸老虎。

解析2】on computer 用计算机,通过计算机。

on 的用法:on +电器或媒介。

on tv 通过电视 on the phone 在**中。

on the radio 通过无线电 on the internet 在网上

( )1. he had something to write down and asked me for __

a. a *****b. some *****s

c. some pieces of *****s d. a piece of *****

)2.— maybe you should call him up.

but i don’t want to talk with him___the phone.

a. on b. at c. in d. with

3. there will be less free time. 将会有更少的时间。

解析】little →less→ least adj. 少的(修饰不可数名词less than 少于。

)1. _exercise you take, _you’ll be.

a. the fewer, the fatter b. the less, the fatter c. the less, the more fatter

4. will there be fewer trees? 树木会更少吗?

解析】few→ fewer → fewest adj.较少的(修饰可数名词复数)

辨析】:more,less 和fewer

)1. to live a green life, we should try to s**e __

energy and produce __pollution.

a. more; less b. less; more c. more; fewer d. most least

)2. if there is __pollution, the air in our city will be __dirtier.

a.less; more b.more; much c.less; less d.more; more

)3. —many people eat___meat than they did before.

yes, that’s why they’re getting fatter and fatter.

a. more b. less c. fewer d. much

)4.—remember this , children. _careful you are ,

___mistakes you will make . we know , mr. li .

a. the more; the more b. the fewer; the more

c. the more; the fewer d. the less; the less

will be more pollution. 将会有更多的污染。

解析】pollute v → pollution n 污染(不可数名词)

air pollution 空气污染 noise pollution 噪音污染。

water pollution 水污染 white pollution 白色污染。

look! thepollute) is becoming worse and worse in this city.

)2. air pollution has become___than ever before. we must do something to stop it.

a. serious b. more serious c. most serious d. the most serious

6. will people use money in 100 years?一百年以后人们用钱吗?

解析】in+一段时间 “在…以后” 用于一般将来时。 对“in+一段时间” 提问,用how soon (多久以后) 提问。如:

families usually spend time together on weekends, but maybe in 200 years…家庭成员通常在周末共度时光,但或许在200年后……

) 1. my mother has gone to hong kong. she will be back __a week.

a. after b. for c. in d. from

)2. —how soon will you come back? —a week.

a. after b. in c. before d. for

)3.-_will eric’s aunt be back?-in half an hour.

a. how soon b. how often c. how long

)4.—_can you finish this english exam?

—in about one and a half hours.

a. how far b. how often c. how soon d. how long

7. i think there will be more tall buildings. 我认为将会有更多的高楼大厦。

解析】build → built →built v→ building n 建筑

)1. we h**e been planning __a bridge.

a. build b. to build c. building d. to building

8. there will be( more / less/ fewer) pollution. 将会有更多/更少的污染。

解析】there be句型的将来时态:

(1)there is going to be (2)there will be…

)1. there __a sports meet in our school next week.


八年级英语上册短语总结。初二 班学号姓名。unit1wheredidyougoonvacation?去度假。待在家里。去爬山。去海滩。参观博物馆。相当多。去参观夏令营。为 而学习。出去。大部分时间。尝起来很好吃。玩得高兴。当然。给 的感觉 去购物。在过去。四处走走。因为。一碗 第二天。喝茶。找出 查...


姓名家长姓名及 添墨书香八年级英语周考试卷 1 满分120分。一 重点短语 48分,每题1分 1.看电影。2.想要某人做某事。3.上网。4.尽力做某事。5.健康的生活方式。6.一定是。7.去玩滑板。8.当然。9.保持健康。10.取得好成绩。11.照顾,照看。12.帮助某人做某事。13.饮食习惯。14...


一复合不定代词。不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫不定代词,它们有some,any,much,many等以及由every some any no 加上 thing,body,one构成的复合不定代词。下面我们主要学习有关复合不定代词的内容。1 复合不定代词的分类。指物 everything,so...