
发布 2022-12-28 06:31:28 阅读 1837


unit 1 will people h**e robots?


1. in the future 在将来2. in 100 years 一百年后3. fall in love with… 爱上…

4. hundreds of 数百,成百上千的 5. the same as 和…相同 to (be) …years old 活到…岁。

7. less free time/pollution 更少的空闲时间/污染 8. fewer people/buildings更少的人/楼 true 实现

bored 变得厌倦11. be able to do sth.能,会做某事 to do sth. 尽力做某事

13. like living alone喜欢单独居住 for myself为自己工作 do sth.帮助某人做某事。

三、重点句型(情景交际用语1.2.3; 书面表达句型6)

1. -where do you live? -i live in an apartment.

2. -will there be less pollution? -yes,there will.

/no,there won't. -will kids go to school? -no,they won't.

3. i agree. /i don't agree.= i disagree. 我同意。/ 我不同意。

4. which country will win the next world cupwhich movies will win awards next year

5. what/ who/ which/..do you think + 主语 + 谓语 + 其它?(宾语从句中用陈述句语序)

what do you think your life will be like in ten years? what will the weather be like tomorow?

6. in ten years i think i’ll be an astronaut. (书面表达) 十年后我想我会当一名宇航员。


1. 名词:

rocket火箭 space station太空站 moon月亮,月球 astronaut宇航员 robot机器人

*****纸,纸张 building建筑物,楼房 pollution污染 interview面试,面谈 human人,人类

prediction** sound声音company公司 scientist科学家 factory工厂。

2. 动词:

fly飞行(flew) take乘(took) fall落下(fell) write写(wrote) keep养(kept)

think考虑(thought) come true实现(came) dress穿衣(dressed) predict**(predicted) seem好像(seemed)

3. 形容词:

be able to能够 bored厌烦的,厌倦的 unpleasant使人不愉快的 possible(impossible)(不)可能的

4. 副词:

probably大概 casually随意地 alone单独地,孤独地 already已经 everywhere到处

5. 代词:everything每件事物 myself我自己 which哪个,哪几个


1.名词单复数变化:*****(不可数) company-companies factory-factories human-humans

2.动词过去式:fall-fell write-wrote fly-flew 3.形容词---副词:casual-casually possible-impossible

5.名词---形容词:bore-bored / boring pleasure-(un)pleasant4.代词变化:i-myself

unit 2 what should i do?


1. 名词:ticket票,入场劵 freedom自由pressure压力haircut理发,发型

2. 动词:could可以argue争论,争吵surprise使惊奇,使意外 fail失败。


3. 形容词:part-time兼职的 wrong错误的/有毛病的 original新颖的upset沮丧的。

inexpensive不贵的 colorful色彩鲜艳的 organized有组织的 either两方中任一方(的。


八年级下册英语短语11.go out for dinner 出去吃饭。2.stay out late 在外面待到很晚。3.go to the movies 去看电影。4.get a ride 搭车。5.work on 从事。6.finish doing sth.完成做某事。7.clean and t...


单词复习。最少的 最小的驾驶帆船。有创造力的发展,发达,进步并且,还讨论会职业的,专业的想象,设想高中快乐,享受现在亲戚。明亮的新闻播报员。n.成绩 分数v.得分报纸上的 文章介绍内存 记忆咬 过去式及过去分词出现隐藏 过去式及过去分词胸膛建议,提出机会打败 过去式及过去分词惋惜的是,遗憾 羞耻警告...


unit 1 what s the matter?一 本单元重点句型 1 what s the matter with you 2 what s the trouble with you 3 what s wrong with you 4 whathappens happened toyou 你怎么...