
发布 2022-12-24 21:40:28 阅读 2563

















1. it’s timedinner.

a. forb. onc. tod. at

2. hea letter to his parents last night.

a. will writeb. writesc. wroted. write

3. whereyou and your sister yesterday morning?

a. isb. wasc. ared. were

4. i often go shopping with momsunday mornings.

a. inb. onc. ford. at

5. i like the moon cakes with an egg in it. it smells

a. expensiveb. awfulc. deliciousd. warm

6. –how was your vacation?

a. too farb. pretty good c. not goodd. so hot

7. youget up at six, or you’ll miss the early bus.

a. h**e tob. can’tc. don’td. can

8. –would you like some orange juice?

i’m very thirsty.

a. no, thanks. b. yes, pleasec. yes, i would d. that’s ok.

9. what __bad weather!

d./10. –who arrived late for class this morning?

a. li lei isb. gina didc. tony doesd. bill was

11are the people there?

they are friendly.

a. whatb. wherec. whend. how

12. youget up at six, or you’ll miss the early bus.

a. h**e tob. can’tc. don’td. can

13. –did you buy sunglasses?

a. yes, i didn’tb. no, i didn’t

c. yes, i dod. yes, i bought

14. how is it from your house to the shop?

a. farb. longc. muchd. many

15. –how does john get to school?

– hehis bike to the subway station, then hethe subway.

a. rides, takes b. rides, ridesc. ride, takes d. ride, take

16. –what does adam think of his homework?

– he has too much homework every day

a. he can’t stand itb. he likes it

c. he doesn’t do itd. he enjoys it

17. i often walk to school. it usuallyme 10 minutesto school.

a. take, to getb. takes, to get

c. takes, getd. takes, getting

18. –jim, could you tell me where we can get some food to eat?

– what kind of food are you looking

a. forb. afterc. atd. up

19. i met mr greeni was walking across the bridge, but i didn’t say hello to him.

a. before b. after c. until d. while

20. she isin english

a. interested b. interesting c. interests d. interest

三。 阅读理解(5小题,计10分)


here is a note of one of tom’s sundays.

1. what was the weather like on sunday?

a. cloudyb. windyc. wetd. hot.

2. what time did tom h**e breakfast?

a. 7:00 amb. 7:30 amc. 8:00 amd. 7:45 am

3. tom’s note tells us that he

a. enjoyed his lunchb. missed his breakfast

c. doesn’t like hamburgersd. went to lieu’s house for dinner

4. who did tom see on the way home?

a. cordonb. mingc. lieud. alex.

5. the right order of the things tom did is

①watched tv ②ate lunch ③rode the bike ④played computer games

abcd. ④




probably go skating and swimming every day.

the future can be difficult.

thought that computers would never be used by most people.


高新新源学校2011 2012学年度上期。八年级半期阶段检测试题。数学。a卷 100分 b卷 50分时间 120分钟 命题人 蒋英。一 选择题 每题 分,共 分 1 9的算术平方根是 b c 3 d 3 2.1 在中无理数有 a 1个b 2个c 3个d 4个。3.下列计算正确的是 a b c d.4...


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