
发布 2022-12-11 17:56:28 阅读 1858



1. 上周末你去了任何有趣的地方吗?(anywhere)

did youlast weekend?

2. 我想知道在过去这里的生活是什么样子。(past)

i wonder what life was like here

3. 天开始下起小雨,所以我们决定乘坐火车。(take)

it started raining a little so we decided

4. 在我们到达山顶之前,我们又走了2个小时。(another)

we walkedbefore we got to the top.

5. 我的同学们叫我坚持走下去,所以我继续。(keep)

my classmates told meso i went on.

6. 我们到达山顶时,每个人都兴奋地跳上跳下。(excite)

when we got to the top, everyone jumped up and down

7. 在我们学校,百分之四十五的学生一周锻炼四到六次。(exercise)

in our school,45% of the students

8. 我们的关于看电视的问题的回答很有趣。(answer)

about watching tv were interesting.

9. 通过使用网络来放松也是挺好的。(by)

it’s also good to relaxthe internet.

10. 我们认为最好的放松方式是通过锻炼。(way)

we thinkis through exercise.

11. jane 是一位16岁的美国高中生。(year)

jane is ahigh school student in the usa.

12. 我昨晚熬夜写了一份报告。(stay)

ito write a report last night.

13. 那是tara,是不是/对不对?(is)

that’s tara

14. tina 比tara唱地声音更大。(than)

tina singstara.

15. 你喜欢昨天的歌唱大赛吗?(competition)

did you like theyesterday?

16. 最重要的事情是学到新的东西和玩的开心。(learn)

the most important thing isand h**e fun.

17 .我做好的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事情。(same)

my best friend likes to do theme.

17. larry经常帮忙把我做好的一面显现出来。(bring)

larry often helps toin me.

18. larry 远不如我勤奋,我总取得比他更好的成绩。(less)

larry isthan me. i always get better grades than he does.

19. 我去年摔断了手臂,但她总逗我发笑。(make)

i broke my arm last year but she always

20. 月亮影院有着三家影院中最舒适的座椅。(comfortable)

moon theater hasseats of the 3.

21. 才艺类节目正变得越来越受欢迎。(get)

talent shows are

22. 谁钢琴弹得最好?那由你决定。(up)

who can play the guitar the best? that’sto decide.

23. 人们在**节目时,通常起着决定(谁是)获胜者的作用。(role)

when people watch the show, theythe winner.

24. 才艺类节目向人们提供了一个使他们的梦想成真的途径。(true)

talent shows give people a way

25. 你觉得脱口秀节目怎么样?我不介意看它们。(mind)

what do you think of talk shows?i don’tthem.

26. 我无法忍受听乏味的**。(stand)

i can’tto boring music.

27. 新闻可能不令人激动,但你可以期待从中学到很多。(expect)

news may not be exciting, but you cana lot from it.

28. 在二十世纪三十年代,walt disney拍摄了87部和米老鼠有关的电影。(1930)

walt disney made 87 cartoons with mickey mouse.

29. 木兰女扮**,代父在军中战斗。(place)

mu lan dresses up like a boy andin the army.

30. 我的哥哥想当演员。他打算上表演课。(take)

my brother wants to be a cook. he is goinglessons.

31. 现在他能够说两门外语。(able)

hespeak 2 foreign languages.

32. 我们在年初下定决心时,我们希望我们将改善我们的生活。(beginning)

when we make resolutionswe hope that we are going to improve our lives.

33. 他打算在高中毕业后上大学。(finish)

he’s going to college when he

34. 当你处于危险之中时,请拨110.(danger)

when you areplease call 110.

35. 地球是我们的家。每个人都应当为拯救地球而发挥作用。(part)

the earth is our home. everyone shouldthe earth.

36. 电脑和火箭在一百年前也好像是不可能的。(seem)

computers and rockets also100 years ago.

37. 我们需要一杯酸奶来制作水果沙拉。(cup)

we needto make fruit salad.

38. 最后一点,别忘了加盐。(add)

finally, don’t forgetsalt.

39. 去年11月第四个星期四这一天,我们在美国庆祝了感恩节。(celebrate)

wein the usa on the fourth thursday in november.

40. 现在火鸡里满是面包混合物。(filled)

the turkeybread mix.

41. 瞧!许多汽车都被雪盖住了。(cover)

look! quite a few carssnow.

42. 你能把火鸡切成薄片吗? (piece)

can you cut the turkey

43. 把蛋,肉和生菜一样一样地放入一锅热汤中,煮上一煮。(by)

cook the eggs, meat and lettuce in the pot of hot soup

44. 抱歉,我去不了你的生日聚会。我正在为明天的英语考试做准备。(prepare)

i’m sorry that i can’t go to your party. ithe english exam tomorrow.

45. sam 直到下周三才会离开。(le**e)

samuntil next wednesday.

46. 你需要我的帮助吗?请最迟本周五告诉我。 (by)


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