
发布 2022-12-10 01:22:28 阅读 5705



1. she is a woman doctor.(改为复数)

2. he went to see his mother once a week..(就划线部分提问)

3. ann said, “you must be there.” 改为间接引语)

4. it took us ten months to finish the book.(改为一般疑问句)

5. the baby weighs twelve pounds. (就划线部分提问)

6. “will there be a piano concert this evening?” he asked改为间接引语)

7. lu xun was a very great writer.(改为感叹句)

8. mr. brown went to my home every day.( 就划线部分提问)

9. all of the teachers like her singing.(改为否定句)

10. you’d better take it to your office. (改为否定句)

11. mary does her homework on sundays.. 改为否定句)

12. the girl could hardly understand what he said.(改为反意疑问句)

13. how many sheep are there in australia? he asked.(改为宾语从句)

14. they h**e sold out the light green dresses.(改为被动语态)

15. tom may be on the team,or jack may.(简单句)

16. she didn’t reach the top of the mountain. her brother didn’t reach it, either.同上。

17. the sweater costs 200 dollars. (就划线部分提问)

18. he has already finished his homework. (改为否定句)

19. she isn’t going to wash anything on sunday.(改为肯定句)

20. i really don’t know which book i should choose. (简单句)

21. how bright the girl is! 改由what引导的感叹句。

22. the children are singing and dancing happily. (改为感叹句)

23. he went to school at the age of seven.(改为复合句)

24. jim has stayed in the college for five years. (就划线部分提问)

25. my foreign friends will arrive in half an hour. (就划线部分提问)

26. 二.借助所给的词语将下列句子译成英语。

27. 我们认为不可能在短时间内学好英语。(impossible)

28. 当我们到电影院时,电影已演了五分钟。(get to)

29. 老师要我们用这个词语再造几个句子。(make sentences)

30. 虽然他是个孩子,但他知道的却很多。(although)

31. 你不知道如何读一个词时,一定要查字典。(look up;be sure)

32. 迄今为止,他仍未向他的朋友们道歉。(so far;apologize)

33. 书面英语和口语有些不同。(difference)

34. 你们离开上海有多久了?(since)

35. 这个故事非常值得一听。(worth)

36. 必须采取措施阻止他与b交朋友。(stop___from)

37. 你和她呆在一起越久你就越了解她。(stay;understand)

38. 他说他宁愿饿着,也不愿吃这么糟糕的食物。(prefer)

39. 苏州园林每年都吸引大量国内外的游客。(attract)

40. 谁都体会不了他们输给女队的心情。(feel;beat)

41. 这两个国家的人口比中国的少多了。(population)

42. 她想要与汤姆谈谈有关他在校学习的事。(feel like)

43. 他请求我呆在那儿直到他回来。(until)

44. 当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以至于大喊大叫。(so…that; beckham)

45. 学英语最好的方法是尽可能的多说。(as…as)

46. 不久我们会再次见面的。(before)

47. 自从我们上次见面以后,已经有十多年了。(since)

48. 李平昨晚花了半个小时做功课。(take)

49. 明天将要为儿童上演一出新戏。(put on)

50. 一旦你拿定主意,你就不应该改变。(make up one’s mind)

51. 你必须更加努力地学习,以便能够赶上你的同学。(so…that)

52. 三.用所给词的适当形式填空。

53. all those foreignthief) h**e been caught.

54. is australia the __three) largest island country in the world?

55. what a __please) it is for me to play the piano with you!

56. it is __pain) to get an injection(注射).

57. the porridge smells __terrible).

58. he felt __true) sorry for what he said.

59. our __know) of the universe is growing all the time.

60. please turn left at the second __cross).

61. _wool)sports sweaters are popular among young people.

62. he went to school early as __usual).

63. how __live) the student is!

64. i want to learn how to eat __health).

65. do you know the girl? she is a friend of my___sister).

66. vivian sings even __badly) than before.

67. i don’t like___rain) seasons.

68. the shop sells __9woman) hats.

69. the inventor has many __invent).

70. he seemed __happily) because he failed his exam.

71. the wind often blows strongly in spring in the __north) part of china.

72. _luck), he failed the english exam this time.

73. tom had two of his __tooth) pulled out last year.

74. he can work out the problem __exact).

75. lu xun was one of the greatest writers in the __twenty) century.

76. i am __terrible) sorry, lease forgive me.

77. this is __real) an interesting story.

78. _safe) comes first.

79. what is the __high) of that mountain?

80. i felt better, so i didn’t go to the __doctor).

81. his father’s __dead) made him very sad.

82. the visitors from __german) are playing at the beach.

83. do you h**e any __fly) on sunday afternoon?

84. you h**e __succeed) finished the work. congratulations!

85. it is __terrible) cold today, isn’t it?

86. they are waiting for you at the front __enter) to the building.

87. if you do your homework __care) you’ll make a lot of mistakes.

88. can you give us a full __describe) of this accident?

89. i broke the glass. the woman looked at me __straight) and angrily.

90act) are more important than words.

91. my sister’s __marry) took place at ten o’clock today.

92. in later years, he took up __paint) as a hobby.

93. 四、根据所给汉语写单词。

94. the poor old man is __一个)honest person.

95. is going to swim __横渡)the changjiang river next week.

96. do you know his home __住址)?




1.杯里有些水吗?2.教室里有些学生吗?3.桌子上有几张纸?4.这些书是你的吗?5.这些是谁的鞋?6.这支钢笔是我的。7.今天好热啊!what how 三种 weather day 8.我爸比我妈大两岁。比dick高多了。10.英语和语文一样重要。11.我爸不如mrwang大。12.上海是中国最大的...


unit 1 重点知识 了解打招呼的方式,以及如何介绍别人。good morning.早上好。good afternoon.下午好。你好吗?i m fine,thanks thank you.我很好,谢谢 谢谢你。很高兴见到你。nice to meet you,too 也 也 很高兴见到你。介绍他人...