
发布 2022-12-01 18:04:28 阅读 5215





1. who is she? she is my grandmother.

2. can you read? no, i can’t.

3. what do you like, tony? i like milk and bread.

4. do you like tennis? yes, i do.


) er b. ur c. or

) loon b. el c. al

) 3. p_ _sent a. re b. er c. al

) 4._ aira. th b. sh c. ch

) end a. ir b. ri c. iv

) 6. s_ _ma. wi c. tu

) 7. br_ _da. ae b. ea c. oa

) 8. j_ _cea. er b. ur

) kiesa. oo b. ee c. ea

) 10. c_ _dles a. am c. un


) 1. a. sing b. flyc. draw d .table

) 2. a. eight b. tennis c. nine d. ten

) 3. a. noodles b. like c. bread d. milk

) 4. a. cake b. classroom c. rice d ice cream

) 5. a. father b. brother c. sister d. family

) 6. a. jenny b. tony c. gogo d. you

) 7. a. baseball b. soccer c. play d. ping-pong

) b. who c. what d. he

) b. lion c. kite d. bird

) 10. a. pencil b. ruler c. book d. banana


) 1. gogo告诉你他会飞,会说:.

can fly. b. what do you like? c. can you fly?

) 2. 你想知道gogo几岁,你会问他:

a. how old is he? b. how are you? c. how old are you?

)3. 你想知道tony旁边的女孩是谁,你会问tony:

a. who’s he? b. who’s the girl? c. who’s the boy?

) 4. 你向全班介绍自己时,会说:

a. hello, jenny b. hi, her name’s jenny. c. hello, i’m jenny.

) 5. 你想知道lisa喜欢什么,会问:

a.what do you like? b. i like cake. c. what’s this?

) 6.你想知道这是什么东西时,应怎样问:

a. what’s your name? b. what’s this? c. who’s that boy?

) 7.你想告诉爸爸你不喜欢雪糕,你会说:

don’t like ice cream. b. i like ice cream. c. do you like ice cream?

) 8.你想知道你的朋友喜不喜欢踢足球,你会问:

a. do you like baseball? b. do you like basketball?

c. do you like soccer?

) 9.你问同桌,这是不是铅笔, 你会问:

a. look, is this a ruler? b. look, is this a pencil?

c. look, is this a pen?

) 10. 你考试得了100分, 妈妈表扬你说:

a. oh, sorry. b. it’s too bad. c. very good.


) 1. a: what’s this? b: it’s __orange.

a. a b. \c. an

) 2. ayou read? b: yes, i can.

a. canb. canc. do

) 3. a. how old __your brother?

a. isb. amc. are

) 4. a: how old are you , tony? b

a. i’m five. b. i’m fine, thanks. c. i’m jenny.

) 5. a: is it a yellow dog? b

a. no, it isn’t. b. yes, it isn’t. c. no, it is.

) 6. a: who’s that boy? bmy friend.

a. she’s b. he’s c. his

) 7. ais your name? b: my name is ben. .

a. what’sb. what

) 8. ab: no, it isn’t.

a. is this a panda? b. what’s this? c. can you cook?

) 9. a: i like cake. b: i like milk , but i __like cake.

a. isn’t b. can’t c. don’t

) 10. a: how old is your sister? b

a. she’s eight. b. he’s eight. c. i’m eight.

) 11. a: let’s __a game, gogo. b: good!

a. play b. plays c. like

) no, i can’t. i can cook.

a. can you swim? b. can you cook? c. what about you?

) 13. a: how is he? b

a. he’s fine. b. he’s five. c. i’m five.

) not my grandmother. she’s my___

a. father b. mother c. grandfather

) 15. ahe ? b: he’s my friend.

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