
发布 2022-11-27 14:32:28 阅读 1927



listening 听力部分(50分)

ⅰ. listen and circle. 听音,圈出与你所听内容相符的**。听两遍。(18分)

ⅱ. listen and tick. 听句子,在与你所听内容相符**下的圆圈内画√。听两遍。(12分)

ⅲ. listen and draw. 听音,在与录音内容相符的**下画或 。听两遍。(10分)

ⅳ. listen and match. 听音,连线。听两遍。(5分)

reading & writing认读部分(50分)

ⅵ. look, read and circle. 请看图,在a、b、c三个选项中圈出与图相应的单词。(10分)

1. a. cake b. hamburger c. hot dog 2. a. mouse b. duck c. elephant

3. a. leg b. nose c. foot 4. a. ruler b. crayon c. eraser

5. a. four b. ten c. nine6. a. coffee b. tea c. juice

7. a. balloon b. ballc. kite 8. a. pink b. blackc. blue

9. a. ear b. eye c. arm 10. a. morning b. afternoon c. noon

ⅶ. h**e a try. 读读方框里的英文数字,用+、-使等式成立。(6分)

ⅷ. read ane match. 读句子,连线。(12分)

ⅸ. look, read and colour. 根据框内的文字,在相应的**内写上表示其颜色的汉语。(12分)

ⅹ. read and choose. 根据故事情节选择合适的句子完成对话,并把句子代号写在圈内。(10分)


. listen and circle.听音,圈出与你所听内容相符的**。听两遍。

4. bird 5. milk 6. kite

.listen and tick.听句子,在与你所听内容相符**下的圆圈内画√。听两遍。

me your ruler.

your fingers.

like a monkey.

me the french fries.

me 3 and 4.

the plane.

.listen and draw.听音,在与录音内容相符的**下画或 。听两遍。

1. hello! i'm mr black.

2. this is my sharpener. it's red.

3. -good morning, miss white.

---good morning, mike.

4 sarah,h**e a coke.

5. look!i h**e 2 cars.

. listen and match. 听音,连线。听两遍。

1. (m) hello, i am mingming. i h**e a panda. i like pandas very much.

2. m: hello, miss white. h**e some coffee. w: thank you.

3. m: hello, chen jie. do you like hot dogs? w: yes, i do.

4. (w) hello, i am fangfang. i h**e a bag. it's very nice. i like it very much.

5. w: can i h**e some bread? m: sure. here you are, bai ling.

.listen and number .听对话,给下面**标号。听两遍。

1.--hi! sarah. let's go to school.--ok!

2.--hello, mr ma. how are you? -

3.--where is your mouth? -here it is!

4.--look! i h**e a dog. it's brown.--oh,it's nice! i like it.

5.--happy birthday to you, bai ling. -thank you.


. listen and circle.听音,圈出与你所听内容相符的**。听两遍。(18分)


. listen and tick.听句子,在与你所听内容相符**下的圆圈内画√。听两遍。(12分)


.listen and draw.听音,在与录音内容相符的**下画或 。听两遍。(10分)


. listen and match. 听音,连线。听两遍。(5分)

.listen and number.听对话,给下面**标号。听两遍。(5分)

.look,read and circle. 请看图,在a、b、c三个选项中圈出与图相应的单词。(10分)

1—5: bccbc 6—10: babba

. h**e a try. 读读方框里的英文数字,用+、-使等式成立。(6分)

. read ane match .读句子,连线。(12分)

. look, read and colour.根据框内的文字,在相应的**内写上表示其颜色的汉语。(12分)

.read and choose.根据故事情节选择合适的句子完成对话,并把句子代号写在圈内。(10分)


一 听录音,圈出所听到的 的序号。10分 a ba b a b abab二 听到的内容与 相符的画,否则请画。10分 三 听录音,把正确的答案前面的字母填在横线上。10分 1 look at me.this is mya ear b eye c eat 2 show me youra pen b p...

2019小学PEP英语三年级上册期末测试题 1

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