
发布 2022-11-27 01:16:28 阅读 4419


听力部分。一、听录音,将下列单词所缺字母补充完整。(10分) 2.

h __nd 3. s___x 4. p__n 5.

d___d6. l___ng 7. t___n 8.

f___t 9. t___ll 10. m___m

二、听问句,选择最合适的答句把编号写在前面的括号里。(10分)( 1. a.

yes, she is. b. yes, he is.

( 2. a. he is five.

b. she is nine.

)3. a. wow!

it’s so tall. b. wow!

it’s so big.( 4. a.

she is my english teacher. b: she is tall and thin.

( 5. a. oh!

it has a small head. b: oh!

it has a long nose.笔试部分。



canada __3. boy___

4. tiger___5. giraffe___四、补充下列单词。(10分)


五、请找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入前边括号里。(10分)( 1. a.

monkey b. short c. long( )2.

a. eye b. small c.

ear( )3. a. seven b.

two c. tail( )4. a.

mr c. usa

) 5. )6. )7. )8. c. fat()

六、选出下列句子的正确翻译。(10分)( am from the 让你的眼睛变小。( is a new student. b.我来自英国。

) is my 它有一个长尾巴和一对大眼睛。( has a long tail and big eyes. d.她是一个新学生。( your eyes 他是我的爸爸。


a)栏(b)栏() are you from?a. i am from china.()at the he is my father.

) is that man?c. it is so tall.

()is my friend, amy. d. no, she isn’t.

()she your mother?e. nice to see you, amy.


thank you.

) 2. john来自美国,他自我介绍时该说___am from the usa. am a chinese.

is john.()3.当你对事情表示怀疑时,你可以说___

) 4.你怎样向你父亲介绍自己的朋友amy?__a.

this is my friend, amy. b. he is amy.

c. this woman is amy.()5.

当你想询问**上的女人是谁时,可以问:__a. who is this woman?

b. who is this man? c.

she is my teacher.()6.“看看那只长猴子。


a. look at that giraffe. that monkey.

c. look at that bear.()7.


it is big and fat. b. it is short and fat.

c. it is tall and big.()8.


it has big eyes and long nose. b. it has a small it has a thin body .

) 9. nice___meet you. b. at c. on

) h**e two new___a. pen b. friends c.

so() this is my father. _is tall. c.

she()12. the elephant has a __nose. b.

short c. thin() sister

)14.——is that woman?——she is my c. how()15. itso am b. is c. are

九。选出不同类的单词,在下面画横线。(5分))1 a..


1 语文园地中要求的读读写写 日积月累,部分单元的成语故事。读记识记 复习方法 每天听写一个单元的 或者用听写纸测试 并订正答案,适当改写错3 5遍,巩固记忆。2 第1 8单元的课文简析,重要文章作者,认真多读几遍,做课内阅读时很重要。复习方法 每天读一个单元,熟悉一下。有能力的熟读单元解析,背诵重...


总分 100分 一 书写。2分 要求 蓝黑墨水钢笔书写。卷面整洁。字迹端正。大小适当。二 拼音字词。22分 1.读拼音,写词语。4分 w n lu sh n d n xu n u w n nu n 2.选字填空。4分 泼撒倒端捧装灌补填。女娲把五彩石化成的液体 在一个大盆里,到天边,对准那个大黑窟窿...


北白象镇第七小学三年级下英语期末检测。总分 100 时间 40分钟。温馨提示 亲爱的同学 假期马上就要来了,我们要去进行一次航海旅行,不过首先你要通过下面两个关卡才能拿到船票哦。加油!关卡一 考考你是不是顺风耳。听力部分 35分 listen and circle.听录音,圈出你听到的正确的一项。每...