外研社英语三年级下册重点句型总结 英汉

发布 2022-11-26 14:40:28 阅读 2942

we'll h**e lunch at 1. 我们将要在一点吃午餐。

m4we are going to a fruit farm. 我们打算去一个果园。

but i don't like apples. 但是我不喜欢苹果。

what other fruit will we pick? 我们将要摘其他什么水果吗?

will we pick pears? 我们将要摘梨吗?

yes, we will./no, we won't. 是的,我们要。/不,我们不要。

i'll pick ten apples. 我将要摘十个苹果。

look at the peaches on these trees.看这些树上的桃子。

i feel tired now. 我现在感觉很累。

m5i'm going to hongkong this sunday.我打算这周日去香港。

will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow? 明天你将要带着你的风筝去野餐吗?

we're going on saturday. 我们在打算星期六去。

that's a good idea. 那是一个好主意。

we are on holiday next week.下星期我们休假。

on tuesday, i'll play with my friends. 在星期二,我将要和我的朋友们玩耍。

m6we are going to draw a picture on the computer. 我们将要在电脑上画一副画。

what shall we draw? 我们将要画什么?

let’s draw a monster on the computer. 让我们在电脑上画一个怪物吧。

here are his leg and his foot. 这是他的腿和脚。

let’s h**e a look. 让我们看一看。

the monster has got...怪物有。

there is+可数名词单数/不可数名词 there are + 可数名词复数。

m7can i ask you a question? 我能问你一个问题吗?

are there many children in your class? 你们班有很多孩子吗?

are there many children in a class in the uk? 在英国一个班里有很多孩子吗?

no, there aren’t. there are about twenty. 不,没有许多。大约有二十个。

so we’ve got more friends in china. 因此我们在中国有更多的朋友。

there are twenty-six. 有二十六个。

how many apples are there in the box? 盒子里有多少个苹果?

how many teachers are there in your school? 你们学校有多少老师?

m8it’s parents’ day today. 今天是家长开放日。

we’re going to speak to your teacher. 我们打算和你的老师谈话。

is daming naughty in class? 大明在课上淘气吗?

he works hard. he isn’t lazy. 他努力学习。他不懒惰。

his work is good. 他的功课很好。

i’m happy with that. 我对那个很满意。

we’ve got lingling’s report. 我们有玲玲的成绩单。

what does it say? 它上面说什么?

she’s quite good at english. 她相当擅长英语。

she tries hard at science. 她努力尝试科学。

she runs fast in pe. 她体育课上跑的很快。

but she doesn’t work hard at art. 但她不努力学习美术。


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