东风东小学20111223三年级英语期末考参考题 二

发布 2022-11-26 11:25:28 阅读 3401



一. 听字母,数字或单词3次,在括号里打钩。(9分)

1. bag2. *****3. here (

bedpurplethere (

4. book5. let6. like (

boxthatbike( )

7. it8. mr9. new (

eightmrsnow (

二. 听单词或词组3次,在相应图的括号内写出其英文大写字母编号。(10分)

三. 听句子3次,判断是否与图意相符,如符合,写t,否则写f。(10分)

四. 听句子3次,选出句子所含的信息,把其大写字母编号写在括号内。(9分)

) 1. a. brotherb. teacherc. miss

( )2. a. openb. penc. close

( )3. a. yellowb. sunc. rainbow

( )4. a. threeb. thirteenc. sixteen

( )5. a. eyeb. eyesc. ears

( )6. a. useb. raisec. sit

( )7. a. isn’tb. isc. it’s

( )8. a. birdb. boxc. ball

( )9. a. colouredb. colourc. car

五. 听句子3次,选出相应的答句,把其大写字母编号写在括号内。(6分)

( )1. a. i don’t know. b. i’m martin. c. this is my mum.

( )2. a. ok. here you are. b. is it on your desk? c. thank you.

( )3. a. it’s a ruler. b. yes, it is. c. it’s green and yellow.

( )4. a. they’re cars. b. it’s a car. c. it isn’t a car.

( )5. a. yes, it’s a ********. b. yes, it’s a circle. c. it’s a circle.

( )6. a. no, they aren’t. b. there are 13 boys. c there are 25.

六. 听小对话3次,把数字编号写在相应图的括号内。(6分)

七. 写出5个元音字母的大小写形式。(5分)

八. 按要求给单词分类,把其大写字母编号写在横线上。(6分)




九. 看图选词,把词的英文大写字母编号写在相应图的括号内。(10分)

a. ***** b. a ball c. a bird d. a bike e. fifteen

f. feet g. a table h. two beds i. a boat j. shapes

一十. 选择适当的词并写在横线上。(4分)

1. thisis , isn’t) a ship. itit’s , is) a boat.

2. (what, what’scolour is the ruler? it’sorange, four)

3. where___is , are ) my rubber? (it’s, they’re)__in your bag.

4. how manyplanes, plane) are there? there isone , four)

十一。 看图判断句子是否符合图意,如相符在括号内写t,否则写f。(8分)

) 1. this is my brother ken2. the bus is red and blue.

) 3. there are five aliens in the picture4. they are circles.

) isn’t a plane. it’s a spaceship6. let’s colour the eyes green.

) 7. here’s my pencil-case8. andy, brush your hair.

十二。 看图,写出句子所缺的词。(3分)

1. is it a

yes, it is.

2. what is that in english?

it’s the

3. how many bikes are there?

there __one.

4. what’s your name?

i’m5. where are the books?

they’re __the table

6. wash yourok

十三。 阅读对话,在方框里选择适当的句子写在横线上。(4分)

a: look

ba: is it a rainbow

cb: how many colours are there?c

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