三年级英语上册期末综合试题 含答案

发布 2022-11-20 12:23:28 阅读 1931

a. touch your nose.

) 2b. open your mouth.

a. look at the bear. it’s on the pear.

) 3b. look at the dog. it’s on the log.

a. act like an elephant.

) like a bird.

a. eat some rice.

) 5b. cut the cake.


) 1miss white.

—good afternoon. sarah.

a. goodbye. b. good morning. c. good afternoon.

) 2. —colour it black.

a. thank you. b. okc. very well, thanks.

) 3. —what’s that?

a. cool! i like it. b. it’s a bear. c. i’m six years old.

) 4. —h**e some bread.

a. thank you. b. here you are. c. you’re welcome.

) 5. —happy birthday!

a. happy birthday, too. b. thank you. c. i’m nine.

) 6. —mum

—nice to meet you, wu yifan.

a. i’m wu yifan. b. i’m hungry. c. this is wu yifan.


) 1. how are youa. i’m seven years old.

) 2. how old are youb. sure. here you are.

) 3. can i h**e some water, please? c. i’m fine. thank you!

) 4. what’s your named. it’s a bird.

) 5. what’s thise. my name’s john.



) 1. 假如你是吴一凡,你应该如何向别人介绍自己?

a. hello! i’m wu yifan. b. this is wu yifan.

c. good morning! wu yifan.

2. 你的朋友给你看了他的新玩具。你感觉它很酷,你很喜欢它。你该如何向你的朋友表达你的想法?

a. ok. here you are. b. cool! i like it. c. thank you.

3. 邀请别人一起去上学该怎么说?

a. let’s paint. b. let’s make a puppet. c. let’s go to school.

4. 你在饿了的时候会对妈妈怎么说?

a. mum, i’m fine. b. mum, i’m hungry. c. mum, i see red.

5. 当别人向你表示感谢的时候,你应该怎么回答?

a. you’re welcome. b. no thanks. c. here you are.



mike: i’m fine. thank you. sarah. and you?

sarah: i’m fine, too. thank you. happy birthday!

mikesarah: mike, this is my brother, sam.

mikesam: nice to meet you, too

mike: thank you.

sammike: i’m ten years old. let’s eat the birthday cake!




一、1~5 a b b b c

二、1~5 c h a i e 6~10 g b d j f

三、c > j > h > i > f > a > g > b > e > d

四、1~5 a b b a b

五、1~6 c b b a b c

六、1~5 c a b e d

七、1~5 a c b b b

八、1~5 a b c b a

九、d b a c e


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