
发布 2022-11-16 12:19:28 阅读 5756



) 1. 当你送别人礼物时应回说。

is a present for you!. b. thank you. c. my name is amy.

) 2.你问别人喜欢什么东西时, 应说。

a. what do you like ? b. what is your name? c. how are you ?

) 3. 我喜欢葡萄怎, 应说: _

like grapes. b. i like i like melons.

) 4. 问别人你会骑自行车吗?应说___

a. can you ride a bike ?b. can you swim? c. yes, i can

) 5. how many horses can you see on the farm?回答应说。

a. there are three. can see three. c. it is three.

) 6. 我会游泳,应说___

a、i can ride a bike. b、i can swim. c、i can dance

) let's buy a present for sally.

--b: what about a doll?


a、good idea. b yes c、ok

) 8. 问别人你喜欢胡萝卜吗?应说___

a、do you like hamburgers? b、do you like carrots? c、i like carrots.

) 9. 我不喜欢热狗,应说___

a、i don't like carrots. b、i don't like melon. c、i don't like hot dog.

) 10. 祝别人生日快乐,应说___

birthday! b、happy children day!

11. 当你想告诉好友,你喜欢吃葡萄时,你可以说。

a.i like grapesb. i don’t like grapes.

12. 我们该如何赞美别人的裙子很漂亮呢。

a. your skirt is beautiful. b. i don’t like your skirt.

13. 当别人赞美你的的毛衣很漂亮时,你应该如何回答呢? (

a. nob.thank you.

14. 当你想问这件裙子是谁的,你可以说。

a. what size do you wear? b. whose skirt is this?


a. happy children’s day. b. happy new year.

16. 当你会骑自行车后,你可以很自豪地对其他同学说。

a. i can singb. i can ride a bike.

17. 天气变热了,我们要让别人脱掉毛衣,我们可以说。

a. put on your sweaterb. take off your sweater.

18、( 一位同学帮你把丢失的衬衫找了回来,你会说:“-

a. i like your shirt. you.

19.( 有人捡到一件t恤衫,你知道是杨明的,你会说。

ming’s t-shirt is new. yang ming’s.

20.( 你想询问别人所穿的衣服的号码,你会问。

size do you wear? your name?



a. i h**e long ears and red eyes.

b. i h**e a big head and a big mouth.

)2、 你想知道动物园里有多少只熊猫,可以这样问:

a. how many pandas are there in the zoo?

b. how many foxes are there on the farm?

)3、 “我”看见了十二只斑马在农场里,可以这样说:

a. i can see eleven houses on the farm.

b. i can see twelve zebras on the farm.


a. w**e your arms.

b. clap your hands.

)5、 你想知道黑猫躲在哪儿,可以这样问:

a. where's the black cat?

b. where's the white cat?

)6、“it's black. it's eating a fish.”描述的是哪幅图?

ab. 三、在b栏中找出a栏的正确答语。

ab ) 1. what do you likea. i h**e eleven .

)2. can you drawb. there are nine..

) 3. how are youc. i like hamburgers.

) 4. how old are youd. sure.

) 5. how many cows are there on the farm? e. thank you .

) 6. how many monkeys can you see? f. i’m fine.

) 7. can i h**e some ice-cream? g. no, i can’t. but ,i can sing..

) 8. how many pencils do you h**e? h. i’m eleven

) birthday, sallyi. i can see twelve monkeys?


) it has two long earsit gives us milk.

) it is swimmingit gives us eggs.

) i can see ten armsthere are many animals on the farm.

) i can see eight feeti h**e black ears.


1. mn2. ik




hat桃子story book跑。







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