
发布 2022-11-12 08:42:28 阅读 9327


姓名成绩。一、 选不同类的单词。

) 1. a. apple b. orange c. long

) two b. too c. seven

) 3. b. usa c. cd

) 4. a. boy b. girl c. short

) 5. a .he b. she c. teacher

二、 单项选择。

) at the elephant! it __has a long nose. a. h**e b. has c. is

) 2. _is my book? it’s on the desk.

a. what b. where c.

who ( h**e some bananasa. i b. me c.

my) 4. do you like pearsa. yes, i do. b. yes, i can. c. no, i do

-thank you. a. do you like oranges? b. h**e some oranges, please!

) 6.__is that man? he’s my teachera. who b. where c. what

) 7. where __you froma. is b. am c. are

) 8 . how many __do you seea. kites b. kite c. kitess

) 9. look __the giraffea. on b. in c. at

) 10. where is my cap? it’sa. in desk b. in the desk c. the desk三、 选择适当的词填空。

a. some b. do c. where d. do e. on

) 1. _is my pencil?

) 2. can i h**e __pears?

) 3. _you like apples?

) many kites __you see?

) the desk.

四、 从b栏中给a栏中的句子选答语。

ab ) 1. look at my new booka. it’s on the chair.

) 2. where is my carb. he’s my brother.

) 3. can i h**e some strawberries? c. fine, thank you.

)4. who’s that boyd. wow, it’s beautiful.

) 5. how are youe. here you are.

五、 用正确的序号给单词排队,组成句子。

1. are where from you ?

elephant look at!

that who sweater?

4. pears you like do ?

many do how you see ?

六、 小小翻译家。

) 1. the black one is a bird.

) is my toy car?

) 3. come here, children.

) 4. it’s under the chair.

( )don`t like tea.

a. 我的玩具小汽车在**?

b. 它在椅子下面。c. 我不喜欢喝茶。


七、 情景选择。

) 1.你想问别人喜欢吃香蕉吗,应说:

a. do you like bananas?

b. do you like watermelons?


a. where is my pen? b. where is your pen?


a. how many crayons do you h**e?

b. how many crayons do you see?


a. where are you from? b. i’m from chain.


a. let me see! b. let me thin!


a. let’s go home. b. let’s go to school.


a. where are you from? b. nice to meet you again.


a. thank you. b. you’re welcome.


a. i’m sarah. b. i’m from the china.


a. this is my father. b. this is my mother.


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