
发布 2022-11-12 08:32:28 阅读 1803




1. a. pen b. book c. red d. ruler

2. a. eye b. face c. mouth d. eraser

3. a. dog b. red c. blue d. green

4. a. four b. face c. ten d. two

5. a. head b. cake c. arm d. leg

三、 请找出下面句子的中文意思,将其编号写在题前面的括号中。(10分)

) your namea. 很高兴见到你。

) 2. stamp your footb. 看,我有一只兔子。

) 3. nice to meet youc. 你叫什么名字?

) 4. look! i h**e a rabbit. d. 我喜欢汉堡包。

) 5. i like hamburgerse. 跺跺你的脚。


1. a. pnecil b. pencil c. pencll

2. a. crayon b. crayan c. croyon

3. a. badyb. boby c. body

4. a. bolloon b. balloon

5. a. water b. watar c. wator

6. a. chickan b. chacken c. chicken

7. a. mouse b. moase c. mause

8. a. menkey b. monkey c. monkay

9. a. purple b. purpie c. porple

10. a. yollow b. yellew c. yellow


) 1. good afternoona. good morning!

2. what’s his nameb. sure. here you are.

3. helloc. fine, thank you.

4. goodbyed. great !

5. let’s go to schoole. nice to meet you , too.

6. good morningf. his name is john.

7. how are youg. see you!

8. nice to meet youh. good afternoon !

9. let’s painti. hi !

10. may i h**e a lookj. ok!

六、情景反应。请将所选的编号写在题前的括号中。( 10分)

( )1. john说:“ i like red .”你的爱好跟他一样,你也可以说:

a. great. b. my name’s bai ling. c. me, too.

( )2. 老师请你拍拍手,用英语应该这样说:

a. clap your hands. b. clap my hands. c. snap your fingers.

( )3. 要邀请别人喝牛奶,可以说:

a. h**e some milkb. i like milk.

( )4. 别人帮你的忙,你应该说:

a. thank you b. sorry c. you’re welcome.

( )5. mike 的生日到了,你对他说:

a. happy teachers’ day ! b. happy birthday !

七、阅读短文,与文章内容相符的句子在前面的括号里画“v” ,不相符的画“x”. 10分)

hi ! my name is mike . i am a pupil.

i h**e a blue bag, a green eraser and a red ruler. i h**e a good friend ,and her name is sarah. she has big eyes and a small mouth .

she is very beautiful . she has a red bag. she has a white cat, too.

1. my name is john .

2. my bag is blue.

3. my friend’s name is sarah.

4. she has a pink bag.

5. she has a white rabbit.


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