
发布 2022-11-12 05:02:28 阅读 9745



听力部分 (60★)

i. 听句子,按照听到的顺序给**标上正确的序号。(10★)ab


1. a. ears b. eyes 2. a. orange b. yellow

3. a. head b. hand 4. a. pencil b. pencil-case

5. a. two b. four 6. a. brother b. blue

7. a. rulers b. books 8. a. nine b. ten

9. a. four b. five 10. a. desk b. chair

11. a. mother b. sister 12. a. ah b. hd

13. a. yk b. vk 14. a. a. na b. ta


1.( a. i’m tenb. it’s a chair.

2.( a. i’m fineb. thank you.

3.( a. i’m nineb. she is nine.

4.( a. i h**e threeb. i am three.

5.( a. it’s yellow. b. i like yellow.

. 听音判断,内容和**相符的打“√”不相符的打“×”10★)

. 听音连线。(10★)


. 听一听,写出你听到的数量。(6★)

读写部分 (40★)

. 读句子,选**,将**的序号填入括号内。(5

) 1. i h**e black eyes.

) 2. —how old are you? —i’m five.

) 3. this is my tail.

) 4. —what’s thisit’s a ruler.

) 5. i h**e two ears.

abcde. 单词连连看,圈出正确数量的物品。(8★)

seven books

eight chairs

three pencils

six erasers

five pencils

. 读一读,将正确答语的序号填入括号内。(10★)

) this? a. it’s a bookb. yes, it is.

) colour is the ruler? a. it’s blue. b. i like blue.

) old are you? a. i’m fine, thank you. b. i’m four.

) many books do you h**e? a. fiveb. i’m six.

) is reda. the mouth is red. b. black.

) do you like? a. yes, i do. b. i like apples.

)7.下午遇见好朋友怎样打招呼? a. goodbye. b. good afternoon!

)8.初次见面问好应该说: a. how old are you? b. nice to meet you.

)9.问别人年龄应该说: a. how old are you? b. how are you?

)10.告别时应该这样说:a. goodbyeb. hello!

. 连线。(10★)

1. ia2. rk



. 读一读,判断正“√”误“×”5★)

hi!i’m fangfang. i’m ten.

my mother is a teacher. my father is a doctor. i like blue.

i h**e a new schoolbag. it’s blue and yellow. this is my pen.

it’s orange and white.

) 1. i’m ten.

) 2. i like orange.

) 3. my mother is a teacher.

) 4. my father is a teacher, too.

) 5. the pen is red.


一 小朋友还记得你的身体部位吗?现在就选一选吧。1.身体 2.胳膊 3.脚 4.眼睛 5.鼻子 6.腿 7.耳朵 8.嘴巴 9.手 10.头 b.mouth c.arm d.leg e.foot 二 单项选择。1.what s this?green.a cat in the bag.2.how ol...


听力部分。一 听音,选择。9 a.13b.15c.17 10 a.4 30b.5 20c.6 00 二 听一听,看一看,选一选。1.ab.2.a.3.a.4.a.5.a.6.ab.7.a.t span c r r 10b.三 听音,标号。四 听音,选出正确的答语。1.like.2.tigers.a ...


2013 2014学年三年级上册期末质量检测 英语 沪谊希望小学命题人 李莹莹。学校班级姓名。write after the model.仿照例子写出下列字母的相邻字母。每空1分,共16分 model look and tike the right words.看图识词勾一勾 每小题2分,共12分 ...