
发布 2022-11-12 04:21:28 阅读 9252




)1. 你想告诉同学这不是你的小汽车,你可以说: a.

this is a car. b. is that my car?

c. this isn’t my car.

)2. 同学给你看他新买的夹克衫,你可以说: a. here you are. b. it’s red. c. wow, how beautiful!

)3. 你想提醒朋友不要在公交车上跑,你可以说: a.

don’t eat,my puppy. b. don’t sleep, my dear.

c. don’t run, my friend.

)4. 风筝飞到了树上,你可以说: a.

it’s on the tree. b. it’s in the tree.

c. he’s in the tree.

)5. 当妈妈找不到饭盒,你发现了,可以说: a. it’s here. b. it’s not my lunch box. c. thank you.

)6. 你想把东西给bobby,应该怎么说: a. here you are, bobby. they are, bobby. over there, bobby.

)7. 你想告诉别人东西在门的后面,应该怎么说: a.

it's bebind the desk. b. it's behind the door.

c. it's under the door.

)8. 夏天天气很热,你请别人打开窗户时应该说: a.

open the window, please. b. please close the window.

c. don’t open the window, please.


)1yang lingbehind the door. a. where; she's b. where's; she's c. where's ; she

)2. -what’s that? -it’senglish book. a. a b. 不填 c. an

)3. -is it in your pencil case? -noa. it's b. it is c. it isn't

)4. –it’s too cold(冷the door, please. a.

don’t open b. don’t close c. open ( 5.

the big apple is __the tree. a. on b.

in c. is

)6. -is this __crayon? a. i b. you c. your

)7. _shout here. a. no b. don'tx kb1 co m c. not

)8. -is itit's a rubber. a. what's b. what c. where


iii )1. what’s this? a. no, thank you.

)2. don’t run in the library. b. no, it isn’t.

)3. would you like a cake? c. it’s in my pencil case.

)4. where’s your rubber? d. it’s nice.

)5. look at my skirt. e. it’s a book.

)6. close the window, please. f. thank you.

)7. this cake is for you. g.

i’m sorry. (8. is this your pencil?

h. yes, dad.


一 写出字母的左邻右舍。bbffiikkmmhhggjj 二 选出不同类的单词。1.a.morning b.afternoon c.hello 2.a.he c.this 3.a.miss b.su hai c.yang ling 4.a.no b.am c.yes 三 单项选择。1 你想把刘涛介绍...


1 同学们 地走出了教室。2 妈妈 工作了三天三夜。3 小明病好了以后,又 去上学。珍贵 宝贵。4 每个人的生命都是很 的。5 动物园里,有很多 的动物。三年级小学生下册语文练习题篇三。一 我会看拼音写词语,还能把这张试卷的字写工整。q n b z j n z n ru sh j h n ji op...


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