五年级下册练习 1 3 之适当形式填空A答案 1

发布 2022-11-03 04:16:28 阅读 8649


英汉互译。1. 用英语_in english_ 2. 用汉语_in chinese_ 3. 非常_very much___

4. over there_在那里_ 5. look at_看…/看一看…_ 6. my best friend _我最好的朋友_

7. borrow books 借书8. 欢迎来到。welcome to

9. borrow...from 从…借10. 很高兴见到你。_nice to meet /see you.__

11. show...around 带…参观12. 请这边走。_this way,please

校长__14.来到图书馆_come to the library__15.读故事_read stories___

16. h**e art classes_上美术课__17.读书 read books things_制作东西___

19.语音室 language lab 20. twice a week_一周两次___21.上英语课_h**e english classes_

speaking_做口语练习___lab 语音室 24.做实验_do experiments___

listening 做听力练习 26.画画_draw pictures__ at pictures_欣赏画/看**_

28.上科学课_h**e science classes_ things 观察事物/东西 30.科学实验室_science lab__

hall 会议室/厅 32.开会_h**e meetings_ performances_表演__

34.在儿童节 on children’s day music club _我们的**俱乐部___

36.对。感兴趣_be interested in__ the piano 弹钢琴 38.拉小提琴_play the violin__

to music 听** 40.擅长…..be good at…__

变复数。_cows_ _calves_

16. activity _activities_


反义对应词) _borrow_ 反义词)_that_ 单数)_mouse___

单数)_story__ 单数)_monkey__ 最高级)_best__

宾格) him 形容词性物主代词) our 9. funny(中文)_滑稽的/有趣的__

动名词) 现在分词) _swimming___

第三人称单数)_第三人称单位) _has___


1. look a_t___this horse. it looks happy2. w_hat___a fine cow!

3. we don’t call it a horse i_n___english4. they are very i_nteresting___

5. -do you l_ike___young animals? -i like t_hem___very much.

6. it is my b_est___friend7. what do you c all it in english?

8. it’s that cow o_ver___there9. -what’s that in english t henit’s a goat.

10. the kangaroo h_as___a baby kangaroo11. a b_ird___can fly in the sky.

12. -look at the s_mall___lion. –we don’t call it a small lion. we call it a c_ub___

13. the r_abbit___has two long ears and red eyes.

14. this is a farm. please d_raw___the animal families.

15. the cat can s_wing_. it can’t s_wim_.

16. this is a circus. the animals a_re__ performing.

17. they can do a lot of t_hings18. the tiger cubs can’t j_ump___through a ring.

19. we often h **e english classes in the language lab.

20. we often h**e performances o nchildren’s day.

21. are you interested i nmusic.

22. —how m any music classes do you h**e a week? —we h**e two.

23. i’m good a tplaying the piano24. welcome t oour school.

25. we often borrow books f rom the library. 26. what do you do i n the music club?


1. what do you_call___it?(称呼) 2. _how many__(多少)people are there in your family?

3. -what do you_call__(称呼)it? -we_call_it a kid. to meet见到) you.

5. welcometo (欢迎) our class6. this is our headmaster (校长).

7. this way ,(这边走) please8. i like reading stories (读故事).

9. now linda will show you around (带。参观) our school.

often borrow (借) books from the library. often go to the library (图书馆).

often makesthings (制作东西) after class.

me show you around our school (学校). classroom (教室) is very big.

15. we often read books (书) in the morning.

16. they often sing and dance唱歌跳舞) after class.

are _mice__ 老鼠) is a monkey猴子) over there.

19. -is that _a cow___母牛) -no. we call it _a calf___小牛)

like young _animals___动物) is an_elephant___大象)

英语五年级下册练习 1 3 之适当形式填空A

五年级下英语复习题 1 3 a 英汉互译。1.用英语2.用汉语3.非常。4.over there5.look at6.my best friend 7.borrow books8.欢迎来到。9.borrow.from10.很高兴见到你。11.show.around12.请这边走。来到图书馆15.读故...


学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考。根据提示或句意填空 一 1.some children are fly kites.2.i want to dance 3.she likesswim 4.some woman are singing.5.some old men be doing taichi.6.t...


一 谓语是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出 做什么 是什么 或 怎么样 谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后。谓语动词一般由动词的各种时态来体现。二 时态 谓语动词的各种变化形式称为时态。谓语动词的各种变化形式表明了该动作发生的时间,时间和表达形式是一致的。1.一般现在时态,谓语动词用原形或者动词的第三人...