
发布 2022-11-01 14:16:28 阅读 8984


文章来。源莲山课件 w ww.5 y

k 绝密★启用前试卷类型:a



1.本试题分第i卷和第ii卷两部分。第i卷1-8 页为选择题,75分;第ii卷9-12页为非选择题,45分;共120分。考试用时120分钟。






一)录音中有5个句子,每个句子读一遍,从每小题a, b, c三个选项中,选出能回答录音中每个问题的正确答案。

1. a. i’m sorry.

b. you’re welcome.

c. the same to you.

2. a. yes, i h**e.

b. i’d love to.

c. no, i am not.

3. a. yes, you can.

b. no, you can’t.

c. i want to buy a jacket.

4. a. i found it at home.

b. i found it myself.

c. i found it yesterday.

5. a. 99 yuan.

b. they were nice.

c. i h**e no money.

(二) 录音中有5组对话和5个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题a, b, c三个选项中选出能回答录音中每个问题的正确答案。

6. what’s the matter with the girl?

a. she’s badly ill.

b. she’s angry with the man.

c. she’ll go to see a doctor herself.

7. what does mr. white mean?

a. he asks the woman to work hard.

b. he won’t let the woman work for him.

c. the woman doesn’t want to work any more.

8. what’s the man going to do?

a. ask mary to mend the tv.

b. ask mary to turn off the tv.

c. ask mary to turn down the tv.

9. who lives in england?

a. robert’s uncles.

b. robert’s parents.

c. robert’s grandparents.

10. how will mr. hunt go to london?

a. by car.

b. by air.

c. by train.

三)录音中有一段对话和5个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题a, b, c三个选项中选出能回答录音中每个问题的正确答案 。

11. what are they going to do?

a. to take a walk.

b. to go to a party.

c. to buy a watch.

12. when did they get to the bus stop?

a. at 6:35.

b. at 6:45.

c. at 7:35.

13. why hasn’t rose had her watch?

a. she lost it yesterday.

b. she doesn’t h**e a watch.

c. the watch doesn’t work well.

14. how long has rose had her watch?

a. for half a year.

b. for about a month.

c. for three months.

15. how will they go there?

a. on foot.

b. by bus.

c. by taxi.

四)录音中有一篇短文和5个问题,听短文和问题两遍后,从每小题a, b, c三个选项中选出能回答录音中每个问题的正确答案。

16. why are the husband and wife lucky and happy?

a. because they live in a big house.

b. because they h**e a lot of money.

c. because they h**e many close friends.

17. what does jim do?

a. he’s a student.

b. he’s a teacher.

c. he’s a driver.

18. what’s lucy good at?

a. drawing.

b. swimming.

c. playing basketball.

19. why don’t they see bob very often?

a. because bob is too busy.

b. because bob isn’t so friendly.

c. because bob lives far away from them.

20. what can we learn from the story?

a. they like to stay home alone.

b. they often h**e a get-together with their friends.

c. they don’t h**e much time to meet each other.




21. please pick up thedon’t keep it on the floor.

a. water b. ***** c. books d. bottles

22. —may i h**e a look at __book tonight?

—of course, you can. i h**eold one at home.

a. the; a b. a; the c. the; an d. the; the

23. which is the __way to qingdao, by plane, bus or train?

a. good b. well c. better d. best

24. iride a bike to school. but this morning i took a taxi because i got up late.

a. never b. sometimes c. seldom d. usually

25. i’m sorry, i didn’t __you clearly. would you say it again?

a. hear b. notice c. see d. watch

26. —shall we go out for a walk?

—sorry, i can’t. i __my homework.

a. do b. did c. am doing d. was doing

27. mary spends a lot of money on clothes __her family is not rich.

a. because b. though c. if d. so

28. my friend li xiao knows my hometown very well because he __there many times with me.

a. has been b. has gone c. had gone d. went

29. we h**en’t decided __we’ll go to shanghai next week.

a. where b. when c. why d. how

30. there goes the bell. hurry up, _you’ll be late for class.

a. and b. or c. so d. but

31. this is the school __i studied three years ago.

a. where b. when c. that d. which

32can we get there?

—in five minutes.

a. how often b. how far c. how soon d. how long

33. he neverno matter how many difficulties he has.


2010中考模拟卷语文第一部分 26分 1根据 4分 ji n 赏 愉 yu 一丝不 g u 实事求 sh 2.下面的句子中每句都有两个错别字,把它们找来填入表中,然后改。4分 人们产生一种错觉,蔚蓝的天空倒印在地上,便看成是汪洋万倾的湖面了错别字改正3.默诗文名句,并在括号内的横线上填写相应的者 ...


共27题,约。语文模拟试卷出题人 杨燕。一 积累与运用。1 下列注音不正确的一组是 a 污秽 hu 雾霭 i 涟漪 li ny 杳无消息 y o b 憎恶 z ng 畸形 j 戏谑 xu 恹恹欲睡 y n c 喘气 chu i 参天 c n 畜棚 ch 义愤填膺 y n d 喑哑 y ny 石窠 k...

