
发布 2022-10-11 23:13:28 阅读 2391

ⅰ根据句意和首字母, 写出单词, 使句子意思完整。

1. she is a hshe always smile(微笑).

2. his mother is in hospital(住院). he feels s___

3. everyone(每个人) has a mouth and a n___

4. i see with my e___and hear with my e___

5. it is very h___in summer(夏天).

6. we often use our r___hands to write.

7. the boy has two b___eyes and short hair.

8. my hair is l___your hair is short.

9. -do you k___his name? –yes, his name is tom.

.根据句意, 选择适当的词语填空。

1what, how) do you feel? –i feel happy.

2. my pants __is, are) too long for me.

3. mary __h**e, has) two big eyes.

4. my friends __look, looks) different.

5are, do) you all or short? –i’m short.


1. do you h**e a -_ruler? m y ruler is short.

2. we feel happy, but they feel

3. my father is tall, but i am __

4. it is hot in summer but___in winter.

5. –is tom in?” no, he is

.根据句意,选用动词be(am, is, are)的适当形式填空, 使句意完整。

1. this __bill and this __bob. they __friends.

2. –what___these? –they___pencils.

3. –what colour___her hair? –it __brown.

4your mother in? –no, she __out.

5. his eyes __brown and his hair___brown.


)1. —is your pencil? –it’s light green.

a. what colour b where c which

) 2. i __his name.

a not know b know not c don’t know d. do know not

) 3name is sueis a girl from canada.

a she, he b her, she’s c she’s, her’s d. her, she

4your teacher very old

a i, he is b are, he’s care, he is d is, he’s

5. —are those your pants

a yes, they’re b yes, they are c yes, those are d they are

6. is he tall or short?

a. or b and c but d /

7 i __a girlname is weijiang.

a is, my b am my c am, i d is, my

8. —what’s this? —it’s __apple.

a a b an c the d /

9 i get up early __the morning.

a on b at c in d after

10 --very much. –you’re welcome.

a thanks b thank c thanks you d i’m thank

根据中文和英文提示词语, 写出正确的句子(将所给英文提示词语全部用上)

1. 你感觉高兴吗? you, feel, do, happy

2.怎么啦? matter, what, is, the

1. 你的眼睛什么颜色? your, colour, eyes, what, are

2. 我的裤子又旧又短。 pants, my, old, short, are, and


1. my books are in the desk. (对画线部分提问)

my books?

2. whose book is this? (改写成复数形式)

whose3. i h**e a blue coat. (将主语改成第三人称单数she)

shea blue coat.

4. is your hair long? is your hair short? (把两句合并成一个选择疑问句)

___your hair long __short?

5. i h**e three friends. (对画线部分提问)

do your h**e?

.阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。

there is a nice girl in our class. she is thirteen years old. she is not tall and she is not short.

she is a little bit fat(有点胖). she has a round(圆的) face like (像) an apple. she has two big black eyes and a small nose.

her mouth is big, but her ears are too small. her hair is short and black. she likes red.

she often wears red shoes. she likes little animals(动物). she has a little black dog in her home.

she and the dog are good friends. who is she?

)1. the girl is___

a.12 years old b.13years old c.30 years old

) girl is___

a. short b. tall c. fat

) face is___

a. round b. long c black

) colour of her eyes is___

a. blue b. black c. red

) good friend at home is___

a. her father b. a dog c. a cat


本题考察的是对颜色的提问,由答语可以判定应以what colour提问)

2.c(know 是个行为动词,当否定该动词时要用助动词do或does后接not来表示。此句主语是i,因此助动词要用do,do和not的缩略形式是don’t)


4.a(本题考查的是动词与主语的一致以及一般疑问句的肯定回答的问题。本句的主语是your teacher,是单数,动词be应用第三人称单数is)



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