12级英语期中试卷 定

发布 2022-09-24 21:14:28 阅读 4535


12级升学班英语 2012.10


考生须知:1、本卷共有7页,有七大题103小题,满分120 分,考试时间90 分钟。


3. 1-86 题需用2b以上铅笔填涂,未按规定做题的将适当扣分。

i. 辨音题:(本大题共10小题,每小题0.5分,共5分)


1. a. bossb. comec. solve d. problem

2. a. accounting b. aboutc. again d. ask

3. a. halfb. always c. also d. almost

4. a. dayb. saysc. play d. way

5. a. brighten b. bridge c. trip d. big

6. a. goodb. bookc. cook d. food

7. a. heatb. le**ec. seat d. head

8. a. pearb. hearc. wear d. tear

9. a. hourb. housec. husband d. hate

10. a. choose b.check c. much d. stomach



11. -where __you from?

--i come from tai zhou.

a. is b. do c. are d. come

12five people in my family.

a. there h**e b. there are c. there has d. there is

my father is a vocational school teacher.

a. what does your father look like? b. what is your father like?

c. what is your fatherd. what does your father like?

14is your birthday?

on november 12th.

a. what; it’s b. when; it’s c. what; its d. when; its

15. -when do you go to school?

seven o’clock in the morning.

a. in b. at c. on d. to

16. it often takes me one and a half hours __my homework.

a. finish b. finishing c. to finish d. finishes

17. wego to school __saturdays.

a. doesn’t; on b. aren’t; in c. don’t; on d. aren’t on

18. i like summer holidays because i canwith my friends.

a. to hand out b. hand outc. hang out d. to hang out

19. my teacherwith me when i don’t do well in my learning.

a. h**e patient b. has patient c. are patient d. is patient

20. do you remember all your __telephone numbers?

a. friend’s b. friends’ c. friend d. friends’s

21. how time flies! i’m now

a. at the forties b. in the forties c. at my forties d. in my forties

22. -what is __today?

---it’s september 10th.

a. the day b. the date c. the season d. the time

23. _a cold morning in winter, i opened the window and was glad to see the ground covered with snow.

a. in b. on c. at d. with

24. the woman is our teacher. _often helps us in __spare time.

a. she; she’s b. she; her c. her; her d. her; hers

25. why __li hua __english as his major?

a. do; chooses b. does; chooses c. do; choose d. does; choose

26. he is __honest boy and he never tells lies.

a. a b. ancd. the

27. october is themonth of the year.

a. tens b. tenth c. ten’s d. ten

28. he works more than ten hours a day so he isof his work.

a. sad b. unhappy c. tired d. happy

29. what makes the sunshineto the earth from different angles?

a. gets b. get c. to get d. got

30. you h**e tothe problem before tomorrow.

a. ask b. solve c. answer d. say

31.-how far is your home from here?

-it’s about ten __walk.

a.minute b.minutes’ c.minute’s d.minutes

32.-_silly i am!i don’t know what to do next.

a.how b.how a c.what d.what a

33.don’t forget to __thank you”when someone opens the door for you.

a.tell b.speak c.talk d.say

34.money is important,__it can’t buy everything.

a.for b.but c.or d.so

35.mr. yangenglish this term.

a. teaches our b. teaches us c teach us d. teach our

36. george is always unfriendly, so he has __friends.


2013学年度第一学期cad期中考试试卷。班级学号姓名成绩。1 根据以下要求绘制如下图所示平面图形 40分 1.设置绘图界限为a4 297 210 在图形界限内绘图 10分 2.设置绘图单位 长度类型为小数,精度为0.00 角度单位为十进制,精度为0.0 5分 3.设置 cen 层 线型为cente...


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