
发布 2022-09-08 14:04:28 阅读 3787




this is a questionnaire about chinese consumer luxury consumer beh**ior. if you are willing to spend a few minutes to complete this questionnaire, i will be very thankful. all the information you provide will be carefully preserved, at the same time , we can surely ensure your privacy.

1. what’s your sex?

analysis: understand the impact of gender on hobbies。了解性别对喜好的影响。

2. what’s your age?

analysis: we can know different age h**e different demand of luxury goods.不同年龄段对奢侈品的需求不同。

3. what is your career?

analysis: career can influence, even decide your mind, including your demand of luxury.职业在一定程度上影响甚至决定你的思维,于此来影响你对奢侈品的态度。

4. what is your **erage monthly income?

analysis:the economic basis determine can be decide its price reasonable. 经济基础决定上层建筑,收入是人们消费奢侈品的**,也决定了奢侈品市场。

many percent of people around you using luxury ?

analysis: someone can always influenced by others.人们通常收到周围人的影响。

5. do you h**e your own f**orite luxury goods?

analysis: brand must build their visualize in customer’s mind.了解人们对奢侈品是否有自己的概念,是否有品牌认同感。

6. why you like luxury goods?

analysis: thinking about luxury goods the most attractive place. focus on the most important aspect.

get the greatest benefit.了解到奢侈品最有吸引力的地方,集中力量进行顶峰设计。

7. the number of your luxury goods

analysis: get to know the **erage level of luxury assumption. analysis new markets potential.


8. what’s your attitude about luxury consumption?

analysis: understand people's psychological. guide people to establish better consumer psychology.


9. what luxury goods do you buy most?

analysis: consumption direction can ensure we get great profile.了解市场导向,获得更大利润。

10. what’s your care most when you buy luxury?

analysis: seize the minds of consumers and increase consumption.了解消费者最关心的问题,让消费者对品牌建立认同。

do you know about the information about luxury?

analysis: increasing supplying information. the more information they be given the more luxury they want to buy.


do you buy luxury?

analysis: broaden the sales channels, ensure everyone could buy what they want.扩大消费通道,确保人们可以买到任何想要的奢侈品。

luxury means to you?

analysis: research the direction of development, finding what people really needs.抓住消费心理,建立消费信心。

you ever buy cheap copy of luxury no matter what reason?

analysis: know about true luxury market, if the real luxury share more market.了解真正的奢侈品在市场上的占有份额。

15. what do you think of whether there is comparison phenomenon in the university campus?

analysis: know about the market in campus, it can help to expand market and develop products.了解奢侈品是否适合在大学校园中开拓市场。

thank you so much for your help!



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