《大学英语基础》 第二次作业

发布 2022-09-07 12:13:28 阅读 5934


问题 1 1. would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?

答案 5 分


问题 2 2. can you give me a hand?

答案 5 分


问题 3 3. i need a taxi to the airport.

答案 5 分


问题 4 4. i’d like you to meet my friends.

答案 5 分


问题 5 5. we are going to a beach for a vacation.

答案 5 分


问题 6 6. spring festival is the most important festival in china.

答案 5 分


问题 7 7. he is crazy about football.

答案 5 分


问题 8 8. could you please turn off the radio?

答案 5 分


问题 9 9. you need to drink a lot of water.

答案 5 分


问题 10

10. you do h**e a happy family!

答案 5 分


问题 11

(二) 情境英语(20%, 5 for each)

a: good morning, can i h**e your ticket, please?

b: _b___学期。

1 a. good morning.

b. here you are.

c. would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?

d. do you h**e an aisle seat?

a: thank you. _c___学期。

2 a. good morning.

b. here you are.

c. would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?

d. do you h**e an aisle seat?

b: an aisle seat, please. .

10 分 问题 12

a: hi, good evening. what kind of drink would you like?

b: _a___学期。

1 a. i'd like to try a local beer.

b. let me buy you a drink. .

c. do you take credit card?

d. sounds good what would you suggest?

a: how about yanjing beer? it’s very popular here

b: _d___学期。

2 a. i'd like to try a local beer.

b. let me buy you a drink. .

c. do you take credit card?

d. sounds good i’d like to take it. .

10 分 问题 13

1. -how is your headache? 3 分 b

答案 a. not at all.

b. better now.

c. thank you.

d. nothing special.

问题 14

2. —nice meeting you, kevin. i hope to see you againb___goodbye. "3 分

答案 a. h**e a good sleep.

b. let’s keep in touch.

c. i’ve got to go.

d. that’s a good idea.

问题 15

3. —it's rather cold in here. do you mind if i close the windowb___3 分

答案 "a. yes, please. "

"b. no, please."

"c. sure, please. "

d. i don't like it.

问题 16

4. —could i speak to jenny brown, please?

__a___3 分

答案 "a. speaking, please."

"b. oh, how are you?"

c. i'm listening.

d. i'm her.

问题 17

5.— unbelievable! i h**e failed the driving test again!

__b__.this is not the end of the world. 3 分

答案 a. good luck.

b. cheer up.

c. go ahead.

d. no problem.

问题 18

6. may i speak to mr. liu, please?

__b___3 分

答案 "a. oh, how do you do? "

"b. speaking, please."

c. i'm listening now.

d. i'm him.

问题 19

7. —my hobby is to clime mountains in weekend. —a___3 分

答案 a. me too.

"b. no, i don’t like hobby. "

c. i'm climbing now.

d. mountains are high.

问题 20

8. —nice meeting you, jackson. i hope to see you soon. —d___3 分

答案 a. h**e a good weekend.

b. that’s a good idea.

c. i’ve got to go.

d. let’s keep in touch.

问题 21

9. —h**en’t seen you for ages, mike. how is your family? —c___3 分

答案 a. thanks all the same.

b. don’t mention it.

c. not so bad.

d. that’s a good idea.

问题 22

10. —how much is this shirt? —c___3 分

答案 a. it’s very nice.

b. it’s a bargain.

c. it costs 50 pounds.

d. it’s well-designed.

大学英语 四 第二次作业

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