学年九年级仁爱英语 上 短语词汇 单词表内 测试题

发布 2022-08-08 23:00:28 阅读 1906


1顺便问一下)where’s maria?

2 can you describe it详细的)

3 people与谁保持联系)their friends and relatives遥远) mainly by letter or telegram.

4 china has developed rapidly since the改革开放).

5 beijing has取得进步) and it has already succeeded in hosting the 2008 olympic games.

6 (因为the one--child policy, now most families h**e only one child.

7 i拟定) a project proposal

8 she recovered幸亏) the doctor.

9 my dad __me __打**) to tell me a good news

10 the company短缺) new idea .

11 i h**e had no reply from her至今,到目前为止)

12 government shouldto reduce pollution.(采取措施做某事)

13 there is一些) socks

14 i can't跟上) you

15事实上),he is a thief

16 he's really在困难中)of some help.

17 as there be a he**y demand both在国内外), 500 cases be the best i can offer you at present .

18 it's free,so you don't __money __me(付款).

19 the flowers and grass不见了)!

20光污染) is harmful to eyes.

21 i不能忍受) the environment here.

23许多,大量) people living near airport also h**e hearing loss.

24 many countries are trying to solve all sorts of environmental problems,__包括) noise pollution.

25我们中没有人) likes pollution.

26 we all know that you’re工作) an organization that protects the environment.

27 then we sort them so that can被**).

28 you ought to关上) the lights when you le**e a room.

29 you’d better walk or ride a bike代替)taking a bus or a taxi if you tr**el a short distance.

30 li ming has取得很大进步) in english.

31 if you are friendly to others,you’ll h**e越来越多) friends.

32 i h**e __已经)had am full.

33 1. he wrote to me last week and i r___with a short note yesterday evening.

34 a good teacher can use all kinds of modern m___teaching in class.

35 by the end of each term, we h**e a f __exam.

36 you should put more effort into your work to make greater p __

37 it’s an h___to talk with all of you here.

38 when will you complete this project? (改为被动语态)

when will this project

39 i like english better than french. (改为同义句)

i __english___french.

40 try your best and work much harder从今往后)。

41 at last he高兴)one of his pictures of the mouse。

42 i’m going to cuba出差)

43 __spanish___english?(与……相似)

44 a person who __one language __another orally。(把…..译成)

45he has no trouble understanding people from different countries,because most of them can speak english。(通常)

46jane’s father has to tr**el to a country where english is not spoken.(有时,偶尔)

47 recent studies show that over 400 million people speak english as their母语)

48 michael and kangkang are going to __them___为某人送行)

49 michael sees a foreignerhis hand with his thumb raised。(伸出)

50 the foreigner is乘搭)

51 could you pleaseto the airport?(让某人搭便车)


53 the driver stops the minibus andthe foreigner。(让人乘搭)

54 youa form in britain,but fill out a form in the 填充)

55 how did these differences发生)

56i feel like giving up。(有时)

57 iin english。(写日记)

58 two years ago,i wasenglish。(在……方面很薄弱)

59 i dare not answer questions in class,because i’m afraid of犯错误)

60 think about your answerand smile,and then answer the question。(深吸一口气)

61 i‘m sure that you will make great progressyou stick to them。(只要)

62i keep on trying and never give up。(最后但同样重要的)

63 i___trying and never give up(继续进行)

作文。the population problem

the population is one of the biggest problems in the world today. china has the largest population with 1.3 billion.

it’s about one fifth of the world’s population. a large population causes many difficulties, not only for every family, but also for the whole nation. it has become a serious problem.

in many less developed areas, some parents prefer boys to girls. as a result, many girls can’t go to school.


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