九年级英语 4月 教育质量检测试题 扫描版

发布 2022-08-05 18:37:28 阅读 6991




. 2. yourself/yourselves 3. cheap/ inexpensive 4. take/ catch 5. sister

. 6. first 7. healthier 8. women 9. telling 10. politely

. 11-15 dbbba 16-20 cdabb 21-25 bbbdc

二.(5分) ⅳ26-30 cbefd

三。 (45分) ⅴ31-35 bdadc 36-40 badcb 41-45 addbc

. (a ) 46-50 abcbd ( b ) 51-55 cadad ( c ) 56-60 tffft

( d ) 61-65 cadfe

e ) 66. because mostly it is to find work. 67. no.

68. because of all the cars and trucks on the roads.

69. the county is much more friendly as everyone knows each other. it is much cheaper to live and there are less dangerous people.

70. the country.(开放性试题)

四。 (20分) ⅶa)71. goodbye/ something 72. forget 73. hard 74. with 75. future

b ) 15分) 范文: my mother

when i was a tiny baby crying all night, who sang to me and stayed by my side? when i was learning to walk, who encouraged me and picked me up? it was my mother.

my mother is very kind and easygoing. she takes good care of my daily life. it is she who brings me happiness and warmth.

when i’m in trouble, she always encourages me to face my difficulties and cheers me up. i still remember that once i argued with my best friend and was upset. my mother talked with me and finally made me understand it was never one person’s fault and that real friendship was about mutual understanding.

the next day, i said sorry and made up with her. now she is still my best friend.

no word can express my hearty appreciation for what she has done for me. i love you, mom.







九年级英语 4月 教育质量检测试题 扫描版

吉林省长春市农安县2017届九年级英语 4月 教育质量检测试题。英语答案及评分标准。一 25分 2.yourself yourselves 3.cheap inexpensive 4.take catch 5.sister 6.first 7.healthier 8.women 9.telling ...


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