
发布 2022-08-02 11:42:28 阅读 6646

unit 1 how can we become good learners?

section a

一。 重点短语。

1. by reading the textbook 通过读课本 2. by ****** word cards 通过制作单词卡片。

3. by listening to tapes 通过听磁带 4. by working with friends 通过和朋友一起学习。

5. by asking the teacher for help 通过向老师寻求帮助 6. finish doing 完成做某事

7. h**e conversations with friends 和朋友编对话8. word by word 逐字地

9. read aloud to practice pronunciation 大声朗读来练习发音 10. main idea 主旨。

11. be patient with 对…有耐心12. find it difficult to do sth. 发现做某事很难

13. be afraid to do sth. 害怕去做某事 be afraid of sth. 害怕某事

13. the secret to sth. 某事的秘诀15. fall in love with 爱上 16. as well 也;还。

17. body language 肢体语言18. look up the words in a dictionary查找字典。

19. key words 关键词20. h**e a better understanding of更好地理解。

二、句子。1. -how do you learn english? -i learn by studying with a group?


2. -do you learn english by reading aloud? –yes, i do. it helps my pronunciation.

-你通过大声朗读来学习英语吗? -是的。它对我的发音有帮助。

3. –how can i read faster? –you can read faster by reading word groups.

-我怎样才能读得更快? -你可以通过读意群读得更快。

4. -how can i improve my listening skills? –one way is by listening to tapes.

-我怎样才能提高我的听力技能? -一种方法是通过听磁带。

5. the more you read, the faster you will be. 你读得越多,你将会越快。

6. why did wei fen find it difficult to learn english? 为什么魏芬发现学英语很难?

7. i was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation.


8. listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning.


9. it takes time. 这得慢慢来10. it serves you right. 你活该。

section b

一. 重点短语。

1. spoken/oral english 口语2. increase my reading speed 增加阅读速度。

3. make mistakes in grammar在语法上犯错误 4. spell some words 拼读单词。

the pronunciation right 让发音正确 6. solutions to the problems 问题的解决方式。

7. be born with 天生具有8. h**e …in common 有共同之处。

9. create an interest in sth 在某方面培养兴趣 10. pay attention to 关注。

11. connect…with… 把…与…联系起来 12. learn from mistakes 从错误中学习。

13. take notes 记笔记14. write down 写下。

15. explain sth to sb 向某人解释某事16. find out查明真相。

17. be stressed out 紧张的、有压力的 18. pronounce some of the words 发一些单词的音。

二.句子。1. i don’t h**e a partner to practice english with.我没有搭档练习英语。

2. whether or not you can study well depends on your learning habits.


3. even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it.


4. it’s not enough to just study hard.仅靠努力学习是不够的。

5. learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new.


6. knowledge comes from questioning.知识**于提问。

7. practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

8. learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new.



unit 1 how can we become good learners?section a 一。重点短语。1.by reading the textbook 通过读课本 2.by word cards 通过制作单词卡片。3.by listening to tapes 通过听磁带 4.by wo...


一 单词默写。1.教科书 3.大声地 5.句子 7.表情 表示 9.秘密 11.重复 13.物理 15.发音 v.17.速度 19.天生的 21.创造 23.活跃的 25.使 连接 27.知识 学问 2.交谈 n.4.发音 n.6.有耐心的 8.发现 10.语法 12.笔记 14.化学 16.增加 ...

Unit1 2短语句子

unit 1 2 重点短语句子测试一。1.听说2.提高我的听力技能。3.全世界 2个 4.叫他汤姆5.当然。6.例如 2个 7.一直,总是8.在船上兜风。9.看英语录像10.实际上。11.租自行车12.度假 动词短语。13.说英语的国家14.在白天。15.做某事有困难 3个 16一年到头17离中国远...