
发布 2022-08-02 04:50:28 阅读 8605

1. -where is your mother?--she已经去了) beijing.

2你曾经去过) disneyland?--no, i h**en’t.

3.--i’ll go to a mike’s birthday party this evening祝你玩得开心)

4. -sometimes英语口语) is more useful than书面英语)--i赞同) you.

5. -don’t smoke在公共场所).-sorry, i won’t.

6. i am担心她不会来)here.

7. she is害怕) her father.

8似乎,好像) he has finished his work.

9. work hard, and you will取得进步)。

10吸烟) is bad for your health. -yes, and i’ll try my best to戒除它)。

1. i迫不及待) to visit the history museum. it is so interesting.

2. english is spoken不同) in不同) countries.

3. hethe lift (走进电梯) and went to his room to h**e a rest.

4. i不敢) to speak english in public起初).

5. she has练习弹钢琴) for years. now she can do it very well.

6. we’ll h**e a good机会) to tr**el to mount huang in june.

7无论什么时候) that happens, he has to take an interpreter with him.

8everyone tried hard, we lost the game at last.

9. they may有些麻烦) in passing the test.

11. dictionaries是用来查) new words.

12. it is said about 200,000,000 users of the internet与。交流) each other in english.

1. 你曾经跟外国人说过话吗?__youto a foreigner?

2. 她还没有读完这本书。shereading the book___

3. 我不但听见了,而且还看见了。iheard itsaw it.

6. 她家人口多,我家也是。she has a big family

7. 我们城市有一百万人口。our cityone million.

8. 中国的人口是多少population __china?

9.他终于想出了一个主意。hean idea

10. 邮局离我家有5里远。the post office is 5my home.

1. the price of the oil has增长了) a lot.

2. mr. wang has很可能)gone home.

3. do you h**e any困难)in reviewing all your subjects.

4. i’m very glad that they成功)in finishing the task ahead of time.

5. china has a larger __人口)than any other country in the world.

most parents prefer h**ing a boy to h**ing a girl in less发达的) areas.

6. they h**e __花掉) all their money, so they h**e to walk home.

8. china has the __最多的)population in the world.

government提供) homeless people with nice homes.

10. you should take an umbrella with you除非) you want to get all wet.

1我为…感到难过)the poor children.

2. i can describe the match详细地)

3. -where you (去)?i can’t find you anywhere.--to the library. what’s up?

4. no one (支持) me in the decision. it made me very sad.

5. as a student, we should study hard尤其是), now we are in the last term in junior middle school, so we should study (更) harder.

6. we are the future of our country. we should live in the present and展望) the future.

try to make our life meaningful.

7. in the old days, many people lived a hard life. they had (很少) food to eat and (很少) warm clothes to wear.

1. these kinds of clothes由…制成) cotton.

2. we wear clothes to us (保护) cold in winter.

3据说) that they won the race.

4曾经), this kind of clothes was popular in that country.

5. every country’s fashion充满) every country’s culture.

6. we can wool (得到) sheep.

7. the style of jeans is过时的).

8we must制订)some rules to protect our environment.

9. the headmaster对…感到满意) what we h**e done.

10. uniforms适合)wear for our work.

11. she is不仅仅) a teacher, she is also our friend.

12. he wrote the novel根据) his school life.

1. the leather jacket is so expensive that he can’t (买得起) it.

2. the windbreaker is made of天然的) material.

3. the old woman (依靠)on her daughter because she has no son.

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