
发布 2022-07-25 05:54:28 阅读 8692

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we can’t stop an earthquake(**), but we can do things to make sure they don’t destroy(毁坏) whole cities. first, it is not a 1 ._idea to build houses along lines where 2.

_of the earth’s plates(板块) join together. second, if you think there 3. _be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rocks , not on 4.

_third, you must make the houses as 5. _as possible. weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may 6

scientists are 7. _that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around san francisco(旧金山) .they call it “ the big one ”.

however, people today are still building more 8. _the population in and around san francisco is 9. _ten times more than it was in 1906.

this means that 10. _there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed.

3. may 6. stay up 7. afraid



第1题选good。依句型这里需要形容词,看全文应是 “好”。


(这是一个跨学科的问题,世界上已经发生的**多数发生在地球板块与板块交界的地方,科学家们称之为**带。 由此可见,要学好英语,还要学好其他学科。)

第3题选 may。在这里表示猜测、假设,意思是“可能”。

第4题选 sand 。 沙地”与前面的rocks 一词对应。这句话是说,如果你认为某个地方可能要发生**,最好是将房屋建筑在地质比较坚硬的地带,而不能建在地质松的地带。


第5题选strong 。除地质条件外,将房屋建得strong“牢固”些,也是减轻**灾害的一项重要措施。

第6题选stay up 。在这里是“站立、矗立”的意思,与前面的 fall down 一词相对应。



第9题选now 。与前面的2024年相对比。

第10题选if 。文章最后小结提出假设:旧金山如果依旧那样的话,一旦有一天发生**,后果将不堪设想。

mr. brown had an umbrella shop in a small town. people sometimes 1him broken umbrellas, and then he took them to a big shop in london.

they were 2there.

one day mr. brown went to london by train. he 3to take an umbrella with him that day.

sitting in front of him was a man with an umbrella standing 4 __the seat. when the train arrived in london, mr. brown 5up the umbrella as he often did during his journey by train.

just as he was getting off, he was 6by the man. he said angrily, “that’s 7mr. brown’ s face turned red and he g**e it back to the man at once.

when mr brown got to the big shop, the shopkeeper had got his six umbrellas ready. after a good look at 8of them, he said, “you’ve mended them very well.”

in the afternoon he got into the train again. the 9man was in the same seat. he looked at mr brown and his six umbrellas, “you’ve had a 10day,” he said.

3. forgot 4. beside 6. stopped 7. mine 9. same 10. lucky

剖析】这是一篇伞店老板mr brown在火车上发生的故事,是叙述类文章。要求填的词汇都是《大纲》范围内的词汇,因此难度不是很大。学生应在短文语境中对有用的信息进行推敲,结合整篇文章的内容,确定所需词汇。






第5题选动词,意思是“拾起”,恰好是词组pick up,故事发生在过去,所以选picked。



第8题选代词,由后面的of结构决定的,指“每一”或者“全部”,选词中没有提供all;所以选each 。



a farmer saw an old man growing something on the other side of the river.

the farmer 1out to him, “what are you growing , grandpa? ”

the old man 2for a moment, then said, “swim over 3i’ll tell

you.”the farmer didn’t like the 4of swimming across the river. but he wanted to know 5the old man was doing.

he swam over. the old man said very 6in his ear, “i’m planting peas in my 7

you should h**e shouted. i would h**e 8quite clearly on that side.” said the farmer.

oh, no, i wouldn’t 9that . the sparrows would h**e heard me and 10my peas.”

1. called speak 3. and 5. what 10. eaten

剖析】1. 此题选called 。 根据第一段讲的“一个农夫在河对岸看到一个老人在种什么东西”推理, 当他想问河对岸这位老人在种什么时,就得大声喊 “called out”。


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