
发布 2022-06-08 07:34:28 阅读 1290


逻辑连接词在文中起着辅助篇章衔接与连贯的重要作用,可以表达文中的因果,转折,让步等各种逻辑关系,是历年真题完形填空题的必考点。 通常为连词,连接性副词和词组,也包括一些起连接作用的介词词组或其他结构。

一. 表时间关系的逻辑连接词。

1. 连词:

when, while, as(当。的时候);

since,/ever since(自从);

till ,until(直到…..

whenever(每次), every/ time (每当…….

before, after;

the day (在……那天);

once(一旦…..as soon as, the moment, immediately, the instant, instantly, directly, the minute, the second, no sooner…….than, hardly(scarcely)….

when( 一…..就, 刚要…….就。

)等。2. 副词,介词短语及其它:

now, nowadays;

at present, presently(此刻,眼下,马上,即将),currently, recently, lately(最近,将来), shortly, soon(不久,立刻,马上);

from now on(从这时起); from then on(从那时起);

meantime/ in the mean time, meanwhile (同时,期间)

at that time, then; once 曾经。

previously, formerly, in the past, earlier (以前,曾经)

afterward, later, subsequently(后来,随后)

as yet, so far(到目前为止)

at once(同时), simultaneously(同时,同步)

as from(自……起), previous to(先于) ,following(在…. 之后)等。


first, second, third….;

firstly, secondly, thirdly… finally;

first, next, then…, last.

in the first place, in the second place….

for one thing, for another (thing) 一方面,另一方面,列举理由。

to begin with, to start with, to conclude;

last but not least, finally

and then, next, and equally important(同样重要的是)

for example, for instance, such as

that is, in other words, to put it another way (换句话说)

some… others…..still others (一些,另外,还有)

including 等。


连词:or, and , not only…but also…, both…and…,

either…or….(或者,或者), neither….nor….(既不,也不)


also, too, as well (as), once again, once more; vice versa(反之亦然)


连词: and


then, also, too, again, likewise(同样地) ,similarly;

anyhow, anyway,(无论如何),even, indeed(确实,其实,实际上);

further, furthermore, moreover, what’s more(此外,而且); besides (that), in addition (to), additionally;

best of all(最好的是), worst of all(最糟的是)

actually, in fact, in effect, above all (首先,最重要的是), most important, in particular, particularly(尤其,特别), especially, notably(尤其,特别)等。



连词:though, although, as, while(虽然,尽管), even if, even though(即使),even now, even then, even so(尽管,虽然), whatever(无论什么),wherever, whoever, however, whichever, whenever,

no matter…(不论), whether… or…(不论…….还是 )

granting/ granted(that) (即使,就算)

admitting(that), assuming(that)(即使),for all (that)(虽然,尽管)等。


notwithstanding(虽然……,尽管 ……尽管如此),still, yet, nevertheless, none the less, all/just the same, anyway, for all that(虽然这样,尽管如此), admittedly(诚然,无可否认); for anything, for (all) the world, for love or money, at all costs, at all events, at any rate/ cost/ risk, in any case/ event/way, by all means, under all circumstances(无论如何,无论怎样);after all…/ for all…/ with all one’s(faults, learning etc.),in spite of/ despite (the fact that) (虽然……,尽管…….等。

2. 表示转折。

连词:but, though/ although


however, yet, still, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding; instead,(代替,反而),instead of; not...but…, rather than (而不是);fortunately, unfortunately; in fact, in effect, otherwise(要不然,否则)等。


连词:while, whereas(而, 然而)


conversely(相反地), on the contrary, contrarily, by contrast, in contrast (to)与……相反的, rather(相反,而是);meanwhile/ meantime/ in the meantime, at the same time(同时,然而); unlike(不像……一样),by/ in comparison (with) 与……比较起来,contrary to(与……相反), compared with/ to …(与……相比较),some…others….still others, on (the ) one hand, on the other hand 等。



连词 because, as(因为),since(既然),for (that)(因为),now(that)(既然),in that(由于,在……某方面),seeing (that)(既然),given that, considering (that) (考虑到,因为),on the ground(s) that (由于),for the reason that(由于),for fear that(由于担心……,唯恐),lest(唯恐,担心),in as much as/ inasmuch as (因为,鉴于)等。


because of, due to, owing to, thanks to; given; on account of, in (the) light of, in view of(考虑到, 鉴于…..by virtue of (凭借,由于……)on grounds of, by reason of (=because of), for fear of 等。

2. 表示结果

连词。so/that/ so that(结果),so…that; such...that, to such a degree that, to such an extent that(如此……以至于) 等。


therefore, thus, hence, consequently(因此),accordingly(相应地,由此);for this reason, on this account, in this way(因此),as a result, as a consequence, in consequence, then (那么,既然如此) 等。


连词。if , unless(除非),as long as, so long as, so far as(只要), on condition (that)(条件是),provided/ providing (that) (假如,在…….条件下), suppose/ supposing (that) (假定,假设),only if (只要,只有), if only (但愿,要是……就好了, 接虚拟语气), in case (that),(如果),in the event that(如果发生,万一), but that(要不是,主句用虚拟)等。


in that case(既然那样),in case of, in the event of(如果发生,万一);but for(要不是),failing(如果不能, 如果没有的话)等。


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