
发布 2022-05-15 18:04:28 阅读 1066





)1. a. noodlesb noon() 6.

a. 2. a.

julybjune() 7. a. 3.

a. fruitb friend() 8. a.

4. shorts() 9. a.

januaryb. may() 5. 10.

a. deliciousb. birthday二.听音,选出听到的句子:

)1. a. when is your birthday?

b. where are you going ?(2.

a. which class are you in ?b.

what a pretty dog!

) 4. a. this is a are gloves

) 5. a. i want to eat lunch!

b. i want to be your friend.三.听音判断,下列句子是否与听到的相符,相符用“t” ,不相符用“f”.

)1、my leg hurts.()2、sheep give us cotton.()3、my foot hurts.

)4、what’s the weather like injiangbin?()5、when is his birthday?四、听音排序:

) i am in class 2.()what do you want for lunch?()i’m looking forward to seeing you ()my birthday is inmay.

) can i help you ?(this dress is make of silk

) my family name is sun.()when is your birthday?.(what’s your family name?

()what’s the matter?五、听音,选择听到的单词完成句子。()1.

_i wear today?a. 2.

what's your___

a. namec. his name() 3. my __hurts.

a. noseb. footc. arm

) 4. can you __to my birthday party?a.

run() 5. i'm __years 10b.9c.

8() do you want for___dinner() you like __


play __with andy.

the weather __in beijing?

like 笔试部分。


) 1. decembera.十一月b.

十二月() 2.嘴 mouce() 穿b.脱() 4.

年级 5. peta.宠物b.

兔子()6.短裤 shorts() 7. breada.

面包b.肉() 8.年龄a.

ageb. ade() 9. helpa.

帮助b.谢谢()10.美味的 delicious二。

选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项()1. a. armb.

a. gradeb. 三。


) pet___needs()2. i wear a___a.

) you h**e___a. pet() has___arms and___5.__is your birthday? b. where

) to seeing

) should___your wear

) pet needs___love. a. and snowy is()10.__give us

四.为下列句子选择正确的翻译1.()let’s h**e rice for lunch.

a.让我们吃米饭吧b.午饭我们吃米饭吧2.()my family name is li. a.我叫李b.我姓李3.()her head hurts.


()which class are you in?.a.你在哪个班级?


()what's the matter ?




li jian

根据**内容,判断正t误f() jian is nine years old() is in class two() likes meat

) 4. jack and lijian like fruit() likes cake



a)1. a. noodlesb noon(a ) 6. a. (a) 2. a) 7. a.

a ) 3. a. fruitb friend( a) 8.

a. )4. shorts(b ) 9.

a. januaryb. may(b ) 5.

)10. a. deliciousb.


a)1. a. when is your birthday?

b. where are you going ?(b) 2.

a. which class are you in ?b.

what a pretty dog!

b) 3. a. what should i wear today?

b. what clothes should i wear?(b) 4.

a. this is a are gloves(b) 5. a.

i want to eat lunch!b. i want to be your friend.

三.听音判断,下列句子是否与听到的相符,相符用“t” ,不相符用“f”.

t)1、my leg hurts.( f)2、sheep give us cotton.( f)3、my birthday is in june

t)4、what’s the weather like injiangbin?( f)5、when is his birthday?四、听音排序:

9) i am in class 2.(8)what do you want for lunch?(5) i’m looking forward to seeing you (1) my birthday is in may.

(4 ) can i help you ?(2)this dress is make of silk(3) my family name is sun.(6)when is your birthday?.

(7) what’s your family name?(10) what’s the matter?五.听音,选择听到的单词完成句子。

b) _i wear today?a. )2. what's your___

a. namec. his name(b) 3. my __hurts.

a. noseb. footc. arm

a ) 4. can you __to my birthday party?a.

run(a) 5. i'm __years 10b.9c.

8(b) do you want for___dinner(b ) you like __

) )play __with andy.

the weather __in beijing?



2014 2015学年度第一学期秋季质量检测。三年级英语试题 人教版 时间 60分钟 等级。part i listening 第一部分听力。共六大题。i.listen and tick.听一听,在你所听到的字母或单词后面打 1.d g2.a h3.c g 4.d b5.a e6.i f 7.pen ...


一 试卷情况 本次考试由锦州市统一命题,严格遵循 英语课程标准 贯彻 测试语言不出偏题怪题,加强语言运用和交际能力 的设计原则,试题形式多样,难易适度。二 成绩分析。本次期末考试最高分为92分,最低分为30分,平均分为79分,及格率为91.7 优良率为41.7 从考试成绩来看,大部分学生对已学知识掌...


pep三年级英语上册期末测试卷。姓名班级分数 一 按顺序写出26个字母的大小写形式。26分 二 选出下列单词的正确意思。10分 a.大象 b.猫 c.鸟 a.果汁 b.老虎 c.熊。a.猴子 b.鸭子 c.蛋。a.狗 b.牛奶 c.面包。a.牛奶 b.水 c.米饭。三 选出每组中不同类的单词。10分...