
发布 2022-05-15 16:03:28 阅读 8070





) 1. a. muchb. match c. march

) 2. a. 3rdb. 6thc. 9th

) 3. a. rabbitb. rubbish c. habit

) 4. a. kingb. bring c. drink

) 5. a. singb. magic c. sign

) 6. a. caughtb. rained c. rainy

) 7. a. put onb. try on c. get on

) 8. a. safeb. safety c. safely

) 9. a. think hard b. work hard c. study hard

) 10. a. energy b. season c. he**y


) 1. a. yes, i do. b. no, i wasn’t. c. no, i did my homework.

) 2. a. in the restaurant. b. in the library. c. in the supermarket.

) 3. a. it’s cloudy. b. it was cloud. c. it was cloudy.

) 4. a. there are three. b. they are three. c. it’s three.

) 5. a. i’ll h**e some rice. b. i h**e some rice. c. i had some rice.


it is friday evening. the greens and theirtom are talking about theirfor theon saturday , tom is going toafor the school. his father is going to playwith his friends.

his mother will do the cleaning andon sunday, they’re going totom’s grandparents in the countryside. they’llon the farm. it will be fun!



1. 又胖又可爱2. make a wish

3. 过去和现在4. care about our teeth

5. 在第二层6. a healthy diet

7. 有许多好习惯8. just right

9. 实现10. bring some fruit from home


) 1. look at that sign. we shouldn’tin the hospital.

a. speak quietly b. smoke c. sleep

) 2. today is december 25. remember to say“__to others.

a. happy new year b. happy birthday c. merry christmas

) 3. that boy broke(打坏了)my grandma's new water bottle. my grandma .

a. got happy b. got angry c. was thirsty

) 4. 一what did you this morning?

一i some bread for breakfast.

a. eat; ate b. ate; eat c. ate; ate

) 5. in the uk, people drive on __side of the road.

a. left b. the left c. the right

) 6. can i h**e __water first, i’m thirsty.

a. any b. some c. many

) 7. it’s __today, i __this afternoon.

a. sunny, go fishing b. rainy, will go fish c .sunny, will go fishing

) 8. although(虽然)she was ill, she went to work.

a. stillb. often c. usually

) 9. don’t use __plastic bags.

a. too many b. much too c. too much

) 10. at home yesterday?

a. was youb. did you c. were you


1. look at (she) new (fit) her very much.

2. look! he (show) a model plane to his classmates.

3. my fatherhelp) medo) my homework yesterday.

4. they are collecting some*****).

you likeplay) table tennis with me?

6. jack ranslow) two years ago.

windy tomorrow.

8not drink) too much cola.

四、按要求改写句子。 (10分)

1. i was at home last night.***一般疑问句)

at home last night?

has some dreams.(改为否定句)


windy and sunny today.(对画线部分提问)

the weathertoday?

4. mike is good at pe.(同义句)

mikein pe.

5. will, go, for , holiday, where, you,the (连词成句)

五、从ii栏中选出与i栏相对应的句子 (5分)

) 1. what’s on the mountaina. no, she wasn’t.

) 2. was she in the kitchen just now? b. i like reading books.

) 3. where were lucy and liu tao? c. i was 11 years old.

) 4. what do you like doingd. there’s a house.


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