幼儿园大班圣诞节英语活动方案 剧本 白雪公主和小矮人

发布 2022-04-30 04:56:28 阅读 5571





旁白:its a cold winter day. a baby, her name is snow white,was born.

she is very beautiful.人们:

旁白:the queen loves her. everybody loves her.

旁白:the animals love her, too.

动物:snow white! snow white! your mother is ill.公主:mum! mum!

公主:oh! mum. no! no! whats wrong with you?老王后:my dear. i love you forever

旁白:a new queen comes. she is beautiful but bad.

魔镜:旁白:this is a magic mirror.

新王后:mirror, mirror. who is fairest of all?魔镜:not you. snow white.

新王后:no! no! no! kill snow white!猎人:snow white? but新王后:kill her!猎人:

公主:help me, please! please!

猎人:all right. go, snow white.

公主:thank you! thank you!

公主:may i come in?anybody here?one, two, three, oh, 小矮人:

小1:who sat here?

小2:who drank this?其:

who is it?小3:whos sleeping here?

小4:look! shes sleeping.

小5:shes beautiful!

小6:shush!let her sleep!其:

公主:小矮人:good morning!公主:who are you?

小7:we are the masters of this house. whats your name?

公主:im snow white.小1:

why are you here?

公主:my mother is dead. the new queen wanted to kill me. so小矮人:

小2:what an evil queen!小3:

ill help you.小4:me too.

其:me too.小5:

stay with us, ok?公主:thank you.

魔镜:新王后:mirror, mirror! whois fairest of all?

魔镜:not you! snow white!

新王后:what? ill kill her!

新王后:heng!snow white!

新王后:apples! apples! buy some apples!公主:apples?hello!

新王后:oh! youre so beautiful! give you a beautiful apple.公主:oh! how lovely!

新王后:mirror, mirror! who is beautiful?魔镜:its you.新王后:

小1:oh! what happened?

其他:snow white! snow white!

wake up! wake up!小2:

oh! she died!小3:

poor snow white!

王子:oh! what a beautiful girl!

i want to marry her.小4:but you cant.

she is dead.王子:oh!

no!snow white! snow white!

公主:what happened?hello!


王子:marry me, snow white.

小5:snow white, the prince helped you!公主:小矮人:

新王后:mirror, mirror. who is fairest of all?

魔镜:not you. not you. snow white.新王后:no! no!

小矮人:the prince helped you.公主:

thank you, prince! i love you!王子:

snow white,i love you. lets go.小矮人:

oh, oh, hooray! oh, oh, hooray!(the end)


欢度圣诞节 幼儿园大班圣诞节活动方案。整理了关于幼儿园节日教案,希望对幼儿学习有所帮助,仅供参考。活动目标1 让小朋友们了解圣诞老人 圣诞树的由来,感受圣诞节欢乐的气氛,一起欢度圣诞节。2 了解圣诞节的吉祥物,知道圣诞节是外国人的节日,与中国的节日春节进行对比,感受中西节日的不同。3 通过欣赏歌曲 ...


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幼儿园大班圣诞节英语活动方案 剧本 白雪公主和小矮人

活动准备 人物 白雪公主 老王后 新王后 猎人 七个小矮人 王子 小动物 5个 道具 小动物头饰 皇冠 枪 矮人帽 七张板凳 七个杯子 魔镜 洋娃娃 一张桌子 苹果 一半红一半绿 头巾 篮子。演员表 老师根据本班孩子性格特点自定。剧情 幕启 老王后 怀抱洋娃娃,哄小孩,戴围巾 旁白 its a co...