
发布 2022-03-28 03:19:28 阅读 7802






) 1 a . horseb. housec. mouse

) 2 a . workb. walkc. worker

) 3 a . flowerb. floorc. follow

) 4 a . listen to the song b. learn the song c. sing the song

) 5 a . small eyesb. small ears c. big eyes


三、根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语 。(听两遍)10分。

)1. this there it is.

)2. seven yuan. can see seven. seven.

)3. like h**e a can make a puppet.

)4. we don’t. b. yes, i can. i h**e.

)5. h**e a candle. has a model ship. has a card.


i live in a new___is abehind the house . there are __bedrooms, a sitting-room and a big___iam reading___in the study. sometimes i do___homework in the evening .

my mother likes___what does my___like? he __watching tv.


一、 按要求写词(10分)

1、can not(缩略式) 2、i’ll(完全式) _

3、i(同音词) _4、child (复数) _

5、there’re(完全式) 6、fat(反义词) _

7、dance(现在分词) 8、class(复数) _

9、run(现在分词) 10、right(同音词) _


1、骑自行车 2、下棋 __

3、洗衣服 4、放风筝 __

5、扫地 6、h**e an art lesson

7、run after the rabbit 8、a camping trip

9、between the map and the bed 10、draw a heart

三。 选择题(15分)

)1 the boy __dance, but the girl can.

a. can b. can’t c. don’t

)2. there aren’t __glasses. i can’t drink the water.

a. a b. some c. any

)3. whattomhe has some towels.

a. is, h**e b. does, has c. does, h**e

)4h**e many nice toy cars.

a. mike’s sisters b. mike’s sister c. mike sister’s

)5. look!miss li and her students

a. is coming b. are comeing c. are coming

)6. what are you doing? i’mmy bike. i can’t find it.

a. looking after b. looking at c. looking for

)7. whatyou h**e?

a. are b. do c. does

)8. the cakes on the tableyou.

a. is for b. are with c. are for

)9. mum, please givea towel.

a. i b. me c. my

)10two blankets on the bedis for me?

a. there is , what b. there are , which c. they’re , it

)11. toma toy car. toms parentstwo cars.

a. h**e; hasb. h**e; h**ec. has; h**e

)12. please showhow to make the kite.

a. web. us c. our

) 10、 sun is a circle and moon is a circle, too.

a: the, the b: a, a c: /

) 14 they don’t go to schoolsaturday and sunday.

a. inb. onc. at

) 15. i’m very thirsty. but thereany water in the glass.

a. isn’t b. is c. aren’t


1. look! the bus iscome)

2. my sisterh**e) a red skirt.

3. can youput) the apple on your head

4. whatdo) he h**e

5. i’d likedraw) a picture.

6. therebe) a desk, a computer and some pictures in my study.

7. the music room is on theone) floor.

8. the boys is learning howread) english.

9. i h**e some __tin) of chicken and fish.

10. there aren’tsome) pictures on the wall.


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