
发布 2022-03-28 03:12:28 阅读 4799





) 1. a. houseb. glassc. class

) 2. a. a. walkb. workc. word

) 3. a. festivalb. hospitalc. football

) 4. a. sweepb. sleep c. sweet

) 5. a. thursdayb. tuesdayc. birthday

) 6. a. writeb. rightc. white

) 7. livec. love

) 8. a. great b. grapec. group

9. a. twelfthb. twentieth c. twelve

) 10. a. fromb. farmc. far



) 1. a. i h**e a cold. b. he has a feverc. i’m sorry to hear that.

) 2. a. on footb. by trainc. by plane.

) 3. a. yes, please. b. yes, i wouldc. yes, i would like to.

) 4. a. it’s monday. b. it’s march 10thc. it’s on the tenth of may.

) 5. a. spring festival. b. dragon boat festival. c. mid-autumn festival.


) 1. the sports day is in spetember.

) 2. john likes football and basketball.

) 3. john is in the basketball team today.

) 4. tom is john’s good friend.

) 5. sam is skating now.


ai speak to john?

b: yes, this is john

a: i don’t know theto the library. how do i get to the library?

b: well, gosunand turn right at thecrossing. you can see the library.

it’s on yourbeside the supermarket. you can’tit.

a: i see. can i take a bus?

b: of course. you can take the no. 5 bus and get off at thestop.

a: thank you very much.

b: you are



) 1. a. father b. eighth c. their

) 2. a. catch b. watch c. headache

) 3. a. happy b. sadc. late

) 4. a. footb. cook c. food

) 5. a. drinkb. tree c. street


1. 在四月八日6. give us the password

2. 去参加派对7. sit on a bench

3. 好好休息8. help our parents

4. 在春节9. i can’t wait

5. 喜欢吃番茄10. the ladybirds in the tree


) 1. excuse me, how does he getthere?

a. tob, fromc. /

) 2. inpeople ask “where’s the toilet?”

a. the uk b. the us c. china

) 3. turn rightthe bus stopsun street.

a. in; onb. at; onc. on; at

( )4. i want a birthday cakesome grapes.

a. inb. withc. of

) 5. yang ling oftena book on monday morning.

a. readb. readsc. reading

) 6your mother like shopping? –yes, shenow.,a.

does, is shopping b. is, is shoppingc. does, shopping

) 7. the t-shirts __us well.

a. fitb. fitsc. fitting

) 8students h**ebirthdays in march?

a. what, the b. how many, their c. why, these

) 9. my parent often __presents __me.

a. give, for b. gives, toc. gives, for

) 10. when’s teachers’ day? it’s on

a. oct. 9th b. mar. 8thc. sept. 10th


1. let’s __go) to the playground.

2. i don’t know howget) there.

3. the little girl alwaysaskshe) teacher for help.

4. listen! some boyssing) in the classroom.

5. i’mplay) with the cat, but my brothernot).

6. whomake) the bed every day? tom does.

7. the building hastwenty) floors. we live ontwenty) floor.


1. sam would like to climb the tree. (同义句)

samclimb the tree.

2. my mother usually helps me with my maths. (改为一般疑问句)

___your mother usuallywith your maths?


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